Chapter 12: Previews and Reviews

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When I woke up, I went straight on Instagram and there was a private message from Heather. Apparently she knew about me having a catfish, and she admitted that it was her who was catfish-ing me. I wasn't sure if this was apart of her revenge on me or she was telling the truth. Most likely it's both, but if it was both how does she know that Bella liked Noah? I could ask the same question of how she knew that I liked Noah, I guess popular people pay more attention to people's intensions than any other person. But then again, who knows, if she's lying. This is really getting into my mind, I really need to calm down. I mean, you don't have to keep fighting back to win something. I guess I could just stay chill for a while. I don't want to be on Instagram anymore, so I decided to delete the app off my iPad. I could always go on it with a computer, but I won't be as tempted to because I won't be seeing Instagram right in my reach. I finally got out of bed, got dressed and had my usual morning. Except one thing was different, where was Carly? I decided to call her, but she didn't answer, and she always answers her phone. Is she in jail again? Hopefully not, but I will just walk to school and hope she'll be there.

When I got home, she wasn't there. She wasn't at school, so maybe she wasn't at school at all today. But Bella was, and we spoke for a while. Then, the devil came. "Hey Lavender, that's a surprise that Carly's not here." says Heather

"Ugh, what did you do to her Heather?" says Bella really sassy

"Nothing, I just walked home with her when you ditched her for ditzy Bella here."

"What did you tell her?" I ask

"My thoughts." Heather says

"Whatever you told Carly she'll never believe you."

"Remember how I said that she was my best friend? She knows me well, but I can guarantee you that she's not in trouble and definitely not in jail." Heather walks off and greets her other dumb friends. "Bella, where is Derek?" I ask, he comes to school everyday.

"Not sure, but you want to know something funny. I was on Instagram this morning and I saw Carly posted at 3:00 a.m that she has a date with Derek. Maybe she ditched school for that reason." says Bella

"Really? She never told me, or us? Plus, she didn't even leave a call or text that she's on a date. How pathetic."

"Lavender, are you listening to  yourself? You're really insecure, and it sounds like Heather finally got into your head. You can't lose Carly as a friend, Heather already told you that she's going to make all your friends against you. Heather is telling the truth believe it or not. Don't push your luck. Be smart with everything you say and do. Remember actions speak louder than words." says Bella "I gotta go. Bye Lav." just like that she runs off. I can't believe I'm thinking this, but it's true. Bella was so true, I can't let Heather get into my head like that ever again. But I do believe that when she was walking with Carly she did say something. Maybe she was lying about that too, oh boy since when was seventh grade this hard? "Hi." I hear a male voice say and made me jump because I was so deep in my thoughts.

"Noah, you're the last person I want to see right now." I say

"Okay please, just let me explain everything." He says "I truly do like you."

"Okay, that's just a load of BS. Bella told me you asked her out."

"Because I wasn't to get closer to you."

"So your idea, of getting the girl you 'oh so want' is to use her best friend?"

"I am so confused it's not even funny. Lavender, you were right about Heather. Ever since I started dating her, it just messed up my brain. But I only did that because the girl I was really interested in will never like me. Just like I said in the office."

"Noah, my head is already twisted enough. If you ever did like me, you'd give me space and time to cool off."

"Okay, if that's what you want. But I really want you believe it or not. But, I know Heather's messing with you because that's what she does when she doesn't get her way."

"I know."

"I see, but I did the research myself and Heather's your catfish. I will never lie to you, not after what Heather did to you. I'm one more person who's on your side and someone you can trust. You'll never lose me."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem, please come back to me whenever your ready. I'll never stop liking you."

"Leave me alone first."

"Got it, see you tomorrow I guess." he  says and walks into the school.

When I was in school it felt slower than usual, it's weird because usually Wednesdays move faster than Tuesdays. I mean, our history teacher gave us this new project that annoyed me so much. We were learning and comparing World War 1 to World War 2 which is weird because it's not even in the curriculum. But whatever teachers know best I guess. I sit all the way at the back with Derek at history. There was originally four rows of desks in that class and Derek and I would rebel and make a fifth row because wen don't like the front. Usually he'd talk to me when the class got really boring for example now, but he's not here because apparently he ditched class for a date with Carly. So I have to stay here and listen to this lecture. I went on my iPad secretly and I just remembered that I deleted Instagram of my iPad. I have other social medias too, but I don't use it that much. I'd go on Vine once in a while to check if there's a new viral Vine but otherwise that's it. I don't even have the Vine app.

After a long day at school, I was walking home alone and then out of nowhere Carly appeared.

"Hey, guess who had the most amazing date?"

"You. I can't believe you didn't tell me."

"Sorry, I was so excited that I didn't even tell Bella. I was on Instagram then, so I decided to tell the world then."

"Okay, well what happened?"

"Derek and I went to the movies and watched a horror movie. Derek was so scared that he almost shit himself. It was the funniest thing that ever happened to me."

"That's nice. The last date I went on was with my crush in grade 6. He almost got eaten by a dog."

"Right, sorry. I was so depressed lately that I needed some fun in my life."

When I got home, I went home I went straight to sleep. It was a long day.

                                                                                                        Author's Note

I told you I'd publish between two weeks. I won't promise anything for the next chapter, but I'll try ton get it done soon. See you next chapter.

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