The unmortal

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So I'm trying to find out who my catfish is. So I tried looking up Noah's stuff and he's famous everywhere. It got annoying for a while because he's practically more popular than me. But I couldn't see anything related to what I'm seeing. In fact, I don't think I ever gotten a catfish before. So maybe tomorrow (which is Friday yeah!!!) I'll talk to him. I can't wait till Carly comes next Tuesday. I close my iPad and lie down on my bed for five minutes. I easily get bored so I went outside to the park. I took my bike and rode there, half way there I see a familiar red head. Derek. "Hey gorgeous." He said and then quickly shakes his head and says "Lavender. Hello nice to see you."
"Um, thanks for greeting me. And please be yourself, if there's anything I hate less is someone being something that they're not." I say sincerely.
"Oh, okay. Where you off to?"
"The park, I was bored and needed to clear my mind."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"Sure, I usually go to the park with Carly but she's not here she'll be here next Tuesday. And Bella's still not talking to me."
"Huh, you two still haven't made up yet."
"Yeah, I miss her, I really do. But at the same time, the wound's still fresh."
"Yeah, but you didn't do anything wrong. I spoke to Bella myself you seemed innocent."
"Can we walk and talk?
"You mean ride and talk."
"Lol your funny." So we rode to the park and who knew Derek was such a good listener? He's going to please a girl in the future I can totally see it. That girl who he will please (notice I said will) is so lucky. When we reach the park no one is here. Normally it's full with five-year old kids here. We sat on the bench for a good few minutes. Then we went on the swings and held hands the whole time. It was Derek's idea to do that. "Lavender, I'm having a wonderful time here. Never been to the park since I was like two." Said Derek as we get off the swings. I hugged him as hard as I can and say "I had an amazing time too. It almost felt like we were mortal for a minute."
"Huh? Mortal? I think your little over yourself."
"Cool. I hear that a lot." I say and I add a little smile and said "bye Derek see you later."
"You too." He said and went on the public transit. He said he was going to the store to buy something when we were walking to the park.

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When I was riding home I saw Noah approach me. Does everyone live here? "Hi Lavender did you find out who your catfish was yet?" Said Noah
"Nope, not yet. I'm going to check very soon don't worry." I said
"Random question, so I officially know Bella like me, but she keeps avoiding me do you know why?"
"You answered your own question." Wow, Noah is really oblivious isn't he? "She's avoiding you because she knows you like her."
"Right. You're honestly my only my friend that's a girl, so can you please help me out with the mind of girls? I think I'm starting to like someone. But promise me you won't tell anyone."
"Sure, I'm your girl."
"Thanks Lavender your a cool person." He said and walked away. That's terrible, my crush likes someone else and he's going to tell me how much he likes this chick. But at the same time, acceptance is the key to be truly free.

As I reach home, I get a call from Bella and I answered, she just told me some BS about being mad at me. So I am pretty sure she made the situation worse. But I'm not going to say anything. I  really miss  Carly. After that I fell asleep.

                                                                                             Author's note

Thank-you for being supporters of my book. I wasn't having a good day today, but I know publishing this book will make it better. Well at least maybe. I am very blessed to have you guys being supporters of my book. Thanks for being with me throughout everything I love you guys xoxoxox. BTW I'm still up for new ideas for my book. I promise I'll give you credit, and follow you. See you next chapter.


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