Chapter 19: A month later

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December 18

"Lavender, get up before I make you take the bus." yells mom and I immediately get up. I hate the bus, it's terrible. I couldn't sleep at all last night and surprisingly, I haven't heard of Noah's  funeral yet. It's weird because I thought that they'd already do the funeral yet. Or they probably did and I didn't hear of it. Oh, well. I get up and head out the door and when I was walking to school, I always walk by Noah's house so I'd always get chills walking by. "Miss Evans?" I hear and I suddenly get chills, it was from Noah's house. An elderly woman comes out and there are no cameras and she doesn't have a microphone so she's not a reporter. Hopefully. "Miss Evans, you were a friend of Noah's? Am I correct?"

"Yes." What else was I supposed to say?

"Sorry about not having a funeral recently, we haven't had enough money to do so. But we will have a funeral on Saturday and I think you should write and say the eulogy at our son's funeral."

"Me? Oh, I'd love too."

"Thank you Miss. Evans."

"I'm not complaining, but why me?"

"Noah had a diary that he'd always write in and I saw that what you said on TV wasn't entirely true. But, Noah loves you. So, I thought he'd want you to write the eulogy."

"Awesome. Couldn't be gladder." I say "I really need to get to school, it's nice speaking to you Ms. Brant."

"You too Miss. Evans." I nod and keep walking to school

"Miss. Evans please wait." Noah's mom says and I turn around and she went into her house and about five minutes later she comes out with a book. She jogs towards me and says "Here, this is Noah's diary. That's how I found out that he was practically in love with you." she smiles and hands over his diary to me.

Once I got to school everyone was giving gifts and being so happy and delightful. But sad me has to go through death and plan to write a eulogy. I head over to Derek and I say "Hey, did you get invited to Noah's funeral?"

"Yeah, for sure." says Derek

"I'm writing the eulogy and I don't know what to say. His mom gave me his diary and practically told me to read it. But I shouldn't, I mean it's none of my business first and I'm so nervous for this thing."

"Lavender, read it. She told you to read it to come up with a strong eulogy. She'll be disappointed if it's shitty."

"Fine. Big deal though. I just can't believe he's gone. He helped me find the person who was catfish-ing me, and so much more."

"Yeah, I don't really care for him."

"So why are you going to his funeral?"

"Because it's a nice thing to do. I'd go to Carly's funeral and she told me not to be friends with you."

"Do we even know if it's homicide or suicide?"

"No, the police is working that out."

"Why is it taking so long?"

"I don't know, some investigations take longer than usual. But they normally get the job done."

"Okay, tell me if you know anything." I say and get in line to go to school.

Just like Derek suggested, I read his diary, and surprisingly he started writing in his diary since he was in kinder garden. His writing is like he's telling a strong story and he was only in kinder garden, it didn't even need visuals to help see the story. He clearly had amazing talent, and I was so grateful to discover it. When I was reading his diary it was kind of sad and happy at the same time. His mother didn't let him go to daycare when he was very young so kinder garden was the only place him and his mom was separated. No one wanted to be his friends and he never spoke so his nickname was Mute for the whole time he was at kinder garden. How did the kids know what mute is? Don't know. The bell rang and as soon as I know it, it's lunchtime.

I sat in the cafeteria with Bella, Derek and Cynthia and like usual they were talking about Noah's death and how heart breaking it is. I didn't contribute to the conversation like I usually do, I sat there reading Noah's diary, and this time it wasn't for the eulogy, it was because of this heart breaking story that he wrote. I barely ate and just read that book for the whole time.

By the time I blinked it's the end of the day, and I was so shocked. I put Noah's diary away and walked home with Cynthia like usual.

"You barely even spoke at lunch today. That book must be really interesting." says Cynthia

"No, actually it was Noah's diary. I was supposed to be reading it for inspiration to write a eulogy but this is really sad. He never had any friends in kinder garden, and he was bullied through elementary school. In grade six no one even knew he existed." I say

"That is sad. So he was depressed?"

"I think so, and I think grade seven was the only time people actually know his name and know what he's capable of."

"So did you read the part when he was in grade seven?"

"No I'm not there yet. But I will continue reading."

"Good, but that makes me think." says Cynthia and stops suddenly "if Noah was depressed because he had no friends for his entire life, do you think he committed suicide?" I actually didn't think of that. That actually could be, but we don't know  for sure.

"I don't know, but I will tell you as soon as I find out." I say and head home.

Just like I promised Cynthia, after I took a shower and got my pajamas on, I went to bed and continued reading his diary. I finally got to the part where he was in seventh grade. It broke my heart to continue reading because it did say that he loved me and it finally came to me that he started dating Heather because he wants attention, my attention actually. Then, at the end of the diary it said October 31st 2016,

Today is the day I finally go back to my best friend Ben's house, sure he lived in a terrible neighborhood but he's the only friend I got. Were going to learn how to do so many things today and someday I hope we will become whatever we become. I'm so excited I mean it's Halloween and I'm going out with my ex and Carly to a party. This is going to be the most awesome party I will ever go to.

That was the last page and of the diary, and Ben's not really his friend because he blackmailed Noah to do so man t things. It was so hurtful to read, and why would he go out with his ex again? Does he still have feelings for Heather? Why am I jealous over Heather again? Ugh, wait. That makes sense, the party was supposed to be where the hideaway was because it was a private party. So why did his body end up there? Heather and Carly actually witnessed Noah's death so someway I have to get it out of them.

                                                                                               Author's Note

Hello, it was actually fun writing this chapter. I got the suspense up so much and made me write so much more. Again, you wouldn't want to miss the next chapter so stay tuned. See you on the next chapter.

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