Chapter 11: Suspicions and Conclusions

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Past tense: What happened after Lavender left the washroom. I'm going to make it short so I get to the real chapter

I crawled through the vents and it was really dusty. Of course it would, but it was more dustier than you'd think.  When I was crawling through, I saw my mom crying and I felt so guilty. I tried to get out of the vent without making much noise, but that didn't work. I fell right out, right in front my mother. Man, luck is not on my side.

"Why were you in the vents?" asked mom

"I was helping the janitor clean the dirty vents."

"If that was case, then I wouldn't get a call from the school saying that you're missing. Plus there wouldn't be an Amber alert going off."

"Well I guess they made a mistake." I said but it wasn't really convincing.

"Okay, don't tell me, but you will regret telling me when I find out." She was right, hopefully she doesn't find out.

When I got home I went on Instagram and saw the catfish again. It was weird, because I never saw that catfish again for a long time. Plus they were talking to Noah through private messaging. Then I saw Carly's profile and I saw that she was following Heather. Plus they took a selfie during the summer which was weird because I never saw that picture before.

Present tense: Tuesday.

I'm walking with Carly to school, and it was silent like always. I really miss Carly so this time, I'm getting mad and I will talk to her and get the truth out of her. "Carly, I saw your profile on Instagram and I saw you taking a selfie with Heather like yesterday. Plus she told me yesterday that you went to jail which I totally don't believe." I say and when I look at Carly she looks really shocked. She stops walking and to my surprise she starts crying. "Carly, I'm sorry. Please tell me why you're crying."

"Lavender, I'm trying to be a good friend. Good friends protect their friends from danger. If you keep questioning me, I can't do that."

"I can handle whatever you tell me." I say, her eyes are filled with water, it's like you can see the ocean in her eyes.

"The profile you saw, was like five months ago. It was on private mode, and then I posted it. I'm still following Heather because I forgot to stop following her. Yesterday, Heather posted a photo of her in tears. In the description she wrote my 'my boyfriend broke up with me.' So to cheer her up, I posted that picture." She takes a deep breath and says "whatever Heather told you, was true. I did go to jail for a week I didn't actually break my arm. I mean I'm pretty sure everyone knew that I actually went to jail and didn't break my arm except you and Bella." I couldn't talk, I was completely in awe and I was so shocked she even said that. For a minute, I couldn't breathe, it felt like I was in the atmosphere. It was so bad.

"How did the whole school know about it, when I was your friend for your whole life." I say

"I don't know, you were really oblivious to what was around you. So, I guess you never really paid attention. Plus, Heather was my friend then."

"Oh." I say, she was actually right. I was pretty oblivious in elementary school. So I kept quiet, and it was the usual silence, and my nosy side got in the way. "What did you do to get in jail?"

"I have a love for art. I love doing street art, so me and my friends were spray-painting the wall and the police caught us." I am so shocked, it was true, everything she's saying is true. Oh my gosh. After then, we walked in silence until we went to school.

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