Chapter 4: Have the courage to own up

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When I wake up, and relive it's Wednesday my favourite day of the week, I smile and post go straight on Instagram to post a picture of myself wearing all pink. I wasn't going to wear that to school because everyone knows I'm not a Mean Girls fan, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter. I just did that for a laugh, I went on Vine and posted me acting flawless because I actually woke up like this. I had a crazy bed head but that doesn't mean I'm not flawless. I get out of all that pink and wear black and a little bit of white. I get a phone call and I answer it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"
"Hey babe. Finally found your number."
"Who are you?"
"It's Derek, remember me?"
"How'd you get my number?"
"Well, I found it on the Internet." What the... I know I sometimes share my location but since when did finding your location lead to your number? I'm really freaked out now.
"Um, I don't know if your still there." Started Derek "but if you are, I knew you were up because I saw your Instagram picture of you wearing all pink."
"You have Instagram?"
"No, my friend saw it and told me. I'm getting it soon."
"Cool." I say not caring at all. All I really care about is Noah. Although I blew him off yesterday and he might think I'm a total psychopath, he's still cute as hell.
"I have to go to school, now. See you later."
"You too, bye Lavender."
"Bye." I say and hang up. I get my stuff and head out the door. It's sad not seeing Carly when I go to school so we walk together. Now I have to walk to school all alone like a loner.

Once I reached school I saw Bella talking to Noah which made me a little jealous. I sigh and head towards them, then I see a familiar red-head. "Hey Lavender."
"Hey, what's up?"
"The sky." Do you know how annoying that is when people say that? Literally Carly and Bella say that all the time so I have to find another way to say what's up?
"So smart." I say sarcastically
"That annoys you, doesn't it?"
"Is it that obvious?" I snap
"Why does this always happen to me?" He randomly says and sits down on the bench I follow him because he seems upset. I sat down beside him and ask "what do you mean?"
"I'm sorry, I was being such a creep. No wonder girls hate me, whenever I try connecting with one; they always just shut me out. Similar with what Bella did."
"Bella's sorry, she likes another guy. So she's not going to talk to another guy. No matter how weird that sounds."
"Oh, okay. Girls are weird aren't they." Derek says and just sulks there.
"Well, I guess in a girls point of view they seem weird. But guys aren't that different. I mean it's so hard for a girl to know the guy likes him. So unless they hear rumours or something, then they get excited and you know what happens after that." I say as guys are the bad guys.
"We can have a debate of which gender is better all morning, or just agree on everything were saying."
"Yeah." I say "so don't be disappointed there will be a girl out there for you." I say and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks Lavender for everything." Derek says so sincerely "you've been everything to me so far."

School was very slow and I when I went home I checked my Instagram account and I see a dude that looks like Derek asking to follow me. Knowing he said that he's getting it soon I accepted. I officially have 30 followers. I check my iMessages and I see a new message it says Hey Lavender I'm sorry I shut you out earlier. I was just really observing Bella because I think she likes me. Turned out she did, and it was really creepy that she obsesses over me. So I just wanted to tell you it wasn't anything personal I hope we can still be friends. -Noah.

It was absolutely awkward and I was absolutely shocked. I texted him back how did you get my iMessage? What were Bella and Noah talking about anyway? Was Bella being too obvious about her liking Noah? Because they talk a lot and Carly was normally the person to tell us how we should act around our crush. But she's not here, so Bella probably made it really obvious for Noah. To know. After a few minutes I fall asleep.

                                                                                            Author's note

Okay I'm seriously so sorry for updating this late. I was so obsessed with the book Saving Everest that my cousin suggested me to read. It's a really good book it's like the next Fault in our Stars. But here I am now updating this chapter so please don't flip on me for doing this way too late. I was just reading that book. Anyway thanks for reading I always enjoy people reading my book. So, about Carly coming back she might come back later than Chapter 6 or 7. It may take longer so I won't give you an exact time.

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