Chapter 20: Karma's a bitch

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I couldn't sleep after reading that diary, and I can't believe Heather and Carly had something to do with Noah's death. Maybe they didn't know what happened? No, they had to know. They didn't even tell the police either. I get up as soon as my alarm goes off, I get up from my bed. I comb my hair into a messy ponytail because I straighten my hair yesterday so it works. Plus, I wear some clothing that Bella gave me. I leave the house and when I was walk to school and pass Noah's house his mother comes out again. "Miss. Evans, have you read Noah's diary yet?" Noah's mom says

"Yes, all of it. Would you like his diary back? I have it in my bag." I say

"Oh, I don't need it right now. But I love to have it back by tomorrow morning."

"Sure, of course. I'll see you tomorrow morning Ms. Brant."

"Okay, have a nice day at school. Also, Noah's funeral is this weekend sorry for the late notice."

"Okay, I'll see if I could come." I say "have a nice day."

"Okay you too." I keep walking to school.

I think it's just me, but the school got so much bigger than I saw before. I mean it looked like there was many more people there than I saw before, and it's probably because I never really payed attention to the people at the school since Noah's death. I see Bella and Derek already talking so I head over there and I say "I think Noah's was murdered. In his diary, the last time he wrote in it was October 31th and that was the time when it was a Halloween party. Heather and Carly witnessed his death."

"Of course they did." says Bella "they didn't tell anyone because they didn't want to get in trouble."

"Yeah, most likely." agrees Derek

"I'm going to confront them at lunch." I say and head in my line to go in the school.

At the cafeteria, I see Carly and Heather sitting at their usual table alone this time which was weird to see. But awesome because I get to confront them without other people listening. So I sit at my table with Noah's diary on the right page and I tell Cynthia, Bella, and Derek that I was going over there to confront the two bitches and Cynthia tells me to be careful. I go over there and I sit beside Heather's left, and I say "October 31st 2016,

Today is the day I finally go back to my best friend Ben's house, sure he lived in a terrible neighborhood but he's the only friend I got. Were going to learn how to do so many things today and someday I hope we will become whatever we become. I'm so excited I mean it's Halloween and I'm going out with my ex and Carly to a party. This is going to be the most awesome party I will ever go to. Could anyone tell me what happened with Noah?"

"I don't know what the hell your talking about?" says Heather

"Yes you do. This is Noah's diary and he writes everything in here. You should know that, you're his ex aren't you?"

"Shut up, he was in love with you wasn't he?"

"No Lavender, we don't know what happened with Noah. Go away for God sake." says Carly

"You were there when he was... God knows what happened with him actually. But you guys were at a party with him when he was killed." I say

"But we didn't do anything. We didn't see anything. He went outside with Ben and never returned."

"Did you hear anything?"

"We didn't hear anything." 

"Go away your bothering us." Heather says "if you don't I will embarrass the hell out of you and you will commit suicide just like Noah did." 

"What? How come I didn't know?" asks Carly 

"I thought you knew."

"Wait, so the time you said you went to the washroom and took forever, where did you go?"

"I was in the washroom, it was a long line up."

"No it wasn't, there was four washrooms in the whole house."

"Fine I was outside chilling." Heather's expression was terrible and both Carly and I could tell she's lying. 

"What happened with Noah?" asks Carly she seems serious as I am.

"I don't know."

"How do you know he committed suicide?"

"I was assuming." Heather is a terrible liar.

"Fine, don't tell me. But I will find out." Carly says and then flicks her blonde hair to the side. I actually leave this time and go back to my table. Cynthia, Bella and Derek's eyes are just glued on me. "Well, I have a fine chance of knowing what really happened. Heather admitted he committed suicide and to my surprise Carly was invading her with a billion questions. She did my job for me." I say calmly. The rest of them didn't say anything.

When I was walking home Cynthia was ambushing me with questions of how Carly and Heather was treating me. It was annoying, but at the same time I was pleased she cared as much as I did. Once I got home I felt like going back to that hideaway again, but I actually listened to Derek and didn't go because he was right. I didn't want to end up like Noah anytime soon. So I escaped into the darkness once again and it felt like home. The home where you don't have to worry about anything, because it's just you and the darkness gobbling you up. Until you turn into the light.

                                                                                             Author's Note

I couldn't work on this draft before because I was sick and it was terrible. I'm getting better and now I can think creatively again. I hope you keep being awesome like you all are. Thank you for reading my book I will be ending it soon but I won't tell you how many chapters there will be left. That's because I don't even know myself. I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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