Chapter 3: Need more battery

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Trying to breath, I think I'm going to pass out. "My friend's calling me." I excused myself and ran away. I seriously need a reality check, I ran into Bella. And I was so happy I ran into her, I could get her mind of Noah. "So, about Noah." She starts, there's for not talking about him. "I had a dream that he kissed me. It was magical Lavender, I think I actually have a crush on this guy." Huh, well at least I'm friends with him on Instagram. "Do you know where Carly is?" I say to change the subject.
"No, she's always with you. Maybe she's late because of piano or something."
"She wouldn't be late for school, her piano lessons start at 5:30 a.m and end at 6:30. School starts at 8:50."
"Uh, not sure. Maybe she isn't feeling well." Bella shrugged.
"But if she's not feeling well, she would call me and say that." I point out. I'm really stressed out about Carly.
"Okay, Lavender, I hear you. We'll go to her house at recess."
"What? Bella are you crazy?" I almost screamed.
"Calm down, it's crazy enough it might just work. We'll back our bags like we're going home and leave school, without any teachers seeing us and we go to her house. Once you finally stop freaking out about her and learn she's fine, we come back and make sure no teachers see us and we put our stuff back in our locker and we pretend nothing happened." Is Bella always this weird? Is she always this troublesome?
"Can't we just go after school?" I ask
"Oh, so your not that freaked out anymore."
"Bella, that plan was never going to work." I say and I turn around and see a guy with red hair. His hand was about to touch my shoulder, but I turned around before he even did.
"Hey cuties, I'm Derek, majority of the people call me Der-bear. Well, that's the weirdos-"
"What the hell do you want?" Interrupt and snapped Bella, she's not good with first impressions, well neither is Derek.
"Okay, straight to point I see." Said Derek sadly "do you know where the main office is?"
"Go down the hall, turn left and you'll see the office on the right-side." I say
"Okay, simple question. I guess you know your way around the school huh." He said and rolled his eyes at Bella.
"I'm Lavender Evans." I say and stick my hand out for him to shake it.
"Bella Newman." She said sarcastically and then rolled her eyes back at him, this is really awkward.
"Derek Casey." He said "And, I love your name, Lavender, it's so original." He said sweetly
"Thank-you." I say enthusiastically I hope that didn't come off as rude or anything, I was really thankful for someone complimenting my name, it doesn't happen very often.
"Go away, you loser." Snapped Bella "I hate your guts."
"Bella, you just met him." I say
"Don't care." She says and takes me away into school. That Derek guy, but Bella hates him for some reason.

"Bella, what did Derek do to you?" I ask as we get our lunch from the cafeteria. "Did he do something to Carly at least?
"No." Bella said and then she put her pizza down and looked at me "I'm an idiot. I don't know what to do if you have a crush. So I turned him down, because I don't want to fall in love with him. Makes sense in a twisted way?"
"Okay, yeah it does. I'm sorry I asked."
"Don't be, I was a total bitch to him. He probably never wants to talk to me again."
"Don't be so sure. I'll clear the air with him if I see him again. Which I doubt that I won't."
"Okay thanks Lav, your a good friend." She said, when she finishes her crust on her pizza, she picks up her apple and looks at it. "Wonder if I will get my Prince Charming?"
"Of course you so will, but know Snow White isn't real. There's something called Dark Disney." I say
"Right, fairytales aren't real." She says and tries to relax I could tell something's wrong
"Hey Bell, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, don't worry about me." She quickly says and gets up "come on Lavender, let's go."

After school we head to Carly's house. I'm so exhausted it's crazy, first thing I'm going to do when I go home, fall asleep. "Ready to take a At BFF's house, selfie?" Asked Bella, wow I forgot she didn't even take a selfie to post on Instagram all day. She just did a stop motion to post on Vine. I made sure my hair was perfect and she aimed the camera towards both of us and we smile. She takes the selfie, and posts it on Instagram. I knock on the door and Carly's mother opens the door. "Hello, Bella and Lavender. Carly's not here." She says with her sweet smile.
"Where is she?" Asks Bella, her mother stutters and says "My, my. Look at the time, I have to go, Carly will be back next week Tuesday. Bye darlings." She closes the door, and left me thinking. That was an obvious bluff, where could Carly actually be? "Okay, I want to go home see you later." Bella said and leaves to go home her direction. Bella's really gullible I don't expect her to believe that either.

I head home and at 9:30 p.m I look around and my mother tucks me in. She sings me Brightest Morning Star by Britney Spears. My mom can sing, she's in a record label but she composes more than she records. When I was younger, I thought she wrote that song, she afterwards told me that it's not her song, and for a while it didn't seem like our song anymore. It still is, and it gives me memories of when I was 6 or 7 hearing her sing that.

Author's note

Sorry if this chapter is long, I don't realize how long my chapters are at first. Don't worry about Carly she'll be back near Chapter 6 or 7. You'll find out where she was later on in the book. By the way Brightest Morning Star is on Britney's 2013 album Britney Jean but the deluxe version. I have the deluxe version that's how I know. I like it a lot. So you can hear it on the side. Thanks again for reading. Xox

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