Chapter 10: Kingslayer

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I woke up today feeling awkward. This whole situation about Carly breaking her arm seems so unreal. She's lying to me, I know for sure. I went on Instagram this morning, and I saw the weirdest thing ever. Mostly because I forgot to stop following Noah, I saw him with Heather and I made me shiver. It's not because I still like him, because I know for sure I stopped liking him after that whole conversation he had with Heather. But I shivered because I lost a good friend of mine.... yeah that's not the reason. I'm 100% sure. I'm also 100% sure about me not liking him anymore. So why did I shiver? Maybe it's not about Noah, but if it's not about him it has to be about Heather. I can't be jealous over Heather right? I mean, I know for sure I don't like Noah anymore, but what I don't know for sure is that I could be jealous about Heather. But I don't want to be jealous over a bitch like her. I need to get off of Instagram and stop scrolling through his selfies with Heather. I got off and quickly got ready for school. I sat there for about fifteen minutes until Carly came.

When I was walking with Carly it was as silent as when we were walking home yesterday. After Carly came back, things just got weird. After a while, I wanted my old best friend back. 

"Carly, something's off. I know there's something that you're not telling me." I start "I know for a fact you didn't break your arm, and whenever the topic of Heather comes up, it seems like your so sensitive. You're never sensitive, ever. Plus, we talk about her a billion times and you never got mad. I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me what's up."

"Lavender, the stories I've told you is real. Okay? good, now we've got that out of the way. Heather is a son of a bitch she's always been anyway."

"I know you though. At least tell me what happened between you two." 

"Nothing. Lavender why are you so curious all the sudden?"

"I'm only curious because ever since you came back you've been secretive. Bella and I were trying to  find out what was wrong for weeks but you never seem to budge. We're worried about you Carly."

"Don't be. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." We kept it off then, and when we went to school, to my surprise Bella was talking to Noah. They've never spoke for months. Randomly, Carly just disappeared. If I knew where she was going, then sure as hell I'd follow her. But I didn't want to waste my time looking for a lost girl when Derek was there. I usually don't like to stand there like an idiot out in the open or in a line for something without having someone to talk to. 

"Hey Derek." I say when  I head towards his direction. He looked at me and smiled, then I realized that I never told him that he was right about Noah in the first place. I sat next to him, and he was just staring at me.... deeply. It was weird, I will admit, because no boy ever looked at me so close before. As a deer in headlights, I just stood there, I have a terrible habit of doing that. Then after moments of silence, he leaned in closer, I couldn't breathe, it was terrible. Like knowing where you are, but can't control your movements. Finally I got my sense of movement back and pushed him away from me. I could finally breathe now. "What the hell were you doing?"

"I honestly don't know. I thought I saw a sparkle in your eyes. That same sparkle in those cheesy chick flick movies."

"Oh, okay. I just wanted to say you were right about Noah. I overheard him and Heather talking."

"Oh, yeah. The worse thing is, after all that I still like Heather." Weird. I stopped liking Noah right after that conversation. Maybe I cope with things different then Derek does.

"Okay. Just came over here to tell you." I say

"Okay, cool. I like being right, and seeing sparkles in girls' eyes." I jumped after that comment, then I noticed he was probably trying to do a cheesy pickup line. "Seriously? That line generally never works."

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