Take me Home: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:


Life is an endless cycle full of confusions and a whole lot of crazy stuffs. It is never an easy thing to forget the wounds that keep on bleeding every time I remember the past.

I was on my way out of the building when somebody caught my arms. Before, I knew it Niall… yes, Niall was carrying me over his shoulders. He was laughing like a leprechaun when I knocked my fists on his back. I could feel the blood rush inside my head and the revolt building up inside my stomach.

                “Put me down!” I yelled and he did. He was laughing hard on the ground when he saw my face white as a chalk. I glared at him as I convinced myself not to twist his head.

                “You could have seen your face…haha…it was…” he blurted out in between his non-stop laugh and stopped when he noticed I am not enjoying his prank.

                “Stop fooling around, Mr. Horan.” I am seriously over this life with people messing me around.

                “Having that PMS???” he smirked before opening the car’s door. And before I could even react he shoved me inside. I heard him laugh before closing the door with a soft thud.

                Niall was silent all through the ride. He opens the door for me and bid goodbye. So, what could make this day more confusing? Everyone is acting weird. Could somebody tell me what to do?

                I went to the kitchen for a soda when I caught the note of my ever loving mother on the kitchen table. I stomped my feet on the foot of the kitchen table. Crumpling the note that my DEAR parents left for me, I headed to my room and curled on the bed. I kicked all the pillows under my feet and scream. I bit my lip hard in anger. Why is it that everything seems totally against the way I want?

                “Are you done?”

                I shot up out of bed when I heard that familiar raspy voice. When my eyes darted on the door, there he is staring at me. A hint of amusement is written all over Harry’s face. He chuckled for a moment before sitting at the edge of my bed.

                “What are you doing here?” I asked making my voice sounds harsh.

                “Checking out on you...” He replied shortly. I hear him sigh and mutter something under his breath, “…I wanted to take care of you so I volunteered myself to your Mom. I know, you don’t like the idea but this is the only chance I could pay the mistakes I made.”

                I left him without looking back as I ran to Julia’s house. She looked surprised to see me crying again. I let the tears fall down when she put me in a hug.

                “Tell me what happened…” she whispered as we went inside the house. I told her everything before I fell asleep crying on her pillow. When I woke up, Harry’s face the first thing I saw. It was the poster hanging on Julia’s wall. Didn’t I mention that I am friend of a DIRECTIONER?? J Now, going back to the Harry issue…it was harder than I thought.

 I thought Harry would never realize how painful it is for me to handle the situation whenever we had to talk about the past. Yes, it was the past where he picked up the choice of leaving me behind in a mess than facing his fear of being rejected with his feelings for me. It may be sweet to know that Harry, my best friend and my first love actually had feelings for me. But, definitely it was the most horrible thing to know those facts. I mean what for, after all this years that I spent crying over the crazy first heartbreak. Honestly, I think Harry is the greatest coward I’ve ever met in this entire stupid life. If he only have that piece of strength to tell me that he loves me back, then everything would not be this complicated right now. Because no matter what I think Harry always have the choice to keep me from breaking apart but, sad to say he chose to hurt me anyway.

“Can’t you give him another chance?” Julia asked. She is giving me company in my room since Mom and Dad decided to visit their friends in Atlanta and well, without me. And now, Julia would not stop convincing me to forgive Harry. For Pete’s sake, she is kind of playing the role of being a match maker or shall I say cupid. I glared at her before throwing a pillow on her face.

“You know what I am now doubting where your side is? Harry or me?”

She holds a laughter before squeezing my hands, “Jnel, I am not taking Harry’s side but just saying the right thing for both of you. Don’t you think it’s time to let go the grudges inside your heart?”

“Juls… you know it’s not that easy. In fact, of all the people you are the one who saw my downcast. So, tell me is it time to forget the pain?”


“No, Juls… I think there is no time to even think of forgetting the past and giving him a second chance.”

She kept quiet and gave me a hug. I don’t know why but suddenly I feel so weak that my tears starts falling without my permission. I am not going to deny the fact that I still have my feelings for Harry but it is better to hate him than to let myself fall again. 


sorry for this very late update

TAKE ME HOME: a Harry Styles Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now