Take me Home: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Hospital Drama

When you find the one who could make your heart skip a beat take that person by your side. When you find the one who could make you jump in front of the bullets take that person by your sweet embrace. When you find the one who could make you cry in pure joy hold on to that person. And if that person stick by your side no matter what then never let anything take her away from you. Never…


I am pretty sure I almost forget to breathe that moment Jnel was in my arms lifeless and bleeding. It was like my world stopped. I thought I would lose her. I don’t know what I would do if anything bad happen to her. I think it was something that I couldn’t take.

I was counting every second that passed by while I waited for the doctor to come out of the emergency room. They told me that there was nothing to worry but then I could see the skepticism in his words. I know Jnel was not in good condition. The papparazis were already making some noise outside the hospital. News about the incident spread faster than a jet plane, people thought that I was the one injured and by chance I really wish it was me lying inside the operating bed instead of Jnel. I was the one to blame if I didn’t let her alone or even be more stronger then I could have saved her.

“Harry!” Louis called out. The boys have arrived. They immediately cancelled our schedules the moment they received the news.

“How is she?” Liam asked. I shook my head and rest it between my knees.He tapped my back, “Don’t worry Jnel is a strong girl.”

“It was my fault Liam…” I looked at him, “I could have saved her.”

“Don’t blame yourself, okay?” he told me before the doctor came out of the ER and approached us. I stood up,

“Is she okay? Is there something wrong? Is she alive? Answer me!” I asked the doctor who was taken aback by the abrupt questions I threw at him. The truth is that his silence makes me paranoid.

“Harry, calm down.” Liam told me.

“No! Just tell me if she is alright…” I break down crying. I swear guys don’t cry but I don’t care because real men do. In moment like this I tell you guys could actually shed a tear. My heart if possible would stop beating if anything went wrong about Jnel.

“Mr. Styles, don’t worry about her. She is stable right now but we still need to run some tests on her…” the doctor explained. It made me feel better to hear that Jnel somewhat out of the danger. But, still I could not convince myself to calm down and stop worrying.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes, we are. No, vital organs has been damaged and that’s a good sign.”He smiled at me before heading to the nurse station.

I slumped back to the bench and closed my eyes trying my best to compose myself with sanity. I silently prayed for her safety nothing less. I let myself slipped to dream land. I didn’t know how long I slept but I woke when Louis sat beside me and tapped my shoulder.

“You can check her out. The nurse informed us.”

After hearing what he said, I immediately stood up and went to the room where the hospital transferred Jnel. I almost forgot that I was still wearing my shirt stained with Jnel’s blood. People I met along the corridor just stare at me and I don’t care. I just want to see her. I just want to make sure that she was safe.

 She looked very miserable with all those tubes and machine attached to the small frame of her body. I mentally cursed myself for letting this stupid thing happen to her. I should have saved her. I should have done something. But, I never had the chance to do the right thing. Maybe, trying to go back in her life was not the even a good idea after all.

“Jnel…” I sat beside her bed and gently stroke her hair. I feel so scared. The thought of losing her hit a nerve that I didn’t even realize a tear escaped from my eye.

“Stay with me please…” I whispered softly.

“I love you…” I muttered endlessly and kissed her on her cheek.

A soft knock startled my senses, it was Louis. “Harry, we have to go.”

I threw a sideway glance to Jnel before closing the door and walked out of the hospital.

---sorry for the delay

TAKE ME HOME: a Harry Styles Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now