Take me Home: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Remember those days when your mom would remind you of how important for a girl to know the basics of cooking. As of now, I am trying to chew myself in wishing I could have at least take a chance on learning how to even try frying an egg. The point of thinking over this stuff was actually my big problem. I don’t know how to cook and that was because of my mountain high pride not to accept any help from my supposed to be guardian, Harry.

“I’m dead hungry.” I mumbled to myself as I reached for my IPhone and sent a text to Julia.

To: Julia


                After a few seconds, my phone was ringing. I smiled before answering the phone call.

                “Are you alright?” she sounded like running or jumping and I could not even which is which.

                “Yeah…I am just dead hungry!” I squealed over the phone.


                “I said I need food and… I mean real food not just cereal.” I stated before hanging up. Somebody was outside the house, how did I know? Well, the doorbell rang for one obvious reason.  I went downstairs and quickly open the door. To my disappointment, the doorstep was empty… except for a big canvass painting on our doormat.

                “What…is…this?” I am totally surprised. It was a canvass painting of my first time to sing on the stage. I was wearing a vintage white dress with my acoustic guitar.  I am truly amazed by the artistic and perfect creation of whomever it is that keep on making such sweet things for me. I don’t think my mind was still in process not until the sound of my phone ringing pulled me back to reality.

                “Hello…I got lost for a while.” I said even before Julia could even start to rant. The smile on my face fades away when she told me that they were not at home. Her family decided to spend the weekend to the south beach. Shoot! I am going to die because of starvation. I sighed after my heart breaking phone call with Julia. What should I do?

                And before I knew it, my feet brought me to the place I never wanted to visit…

I took a deep breath before pressing the doorbell of the lad’s flat. It was 7 o’clock in the morning and I am absolutely trying my best to hide the blood rush on my cheeks. This is what you get when you don’t know how to cook One…two…three…I was about to leave when Louis’ morning face greeted me when the door open.

“Hi…good morning.” I chirped in and I saw his face lit up. He ran inside and started yelling.

“HARRY!!!....LIAM!!!...ZAYN!!!....NIALL!!!....” Louis jumped to the stairs just like a child feeling excited to announce some kind of good news, “JNEL was HERE!!!”. I could not help to giggle over his childish act.  A moment after I heard pairs of feet running downstairs. I saw Harry and actually all of them except Louis looking surprised.

“Hey…that’s not how you greet a lady in the sunny morning.” Louis said in his bossy accent as if playing Mr. Goody. He grabbed my hands and pulled inside the flat. The four lads just followed without saying a word.

“Take a seat.” Liam offered as he pushed me towards the sofa.

“Sorry for disturbing early in the morning…” I apologized while making myself comfortable on their sofa.

“No problem, babe.” Zayn said with a wink. I found this guy adorable and nice. Maybe One Direction is not bad at all.

“Is there anything you need?” Harry asked. I paused for a while thinking whether to give him an answer. There was a moment of silence. I am not comfortable with him talking to me. Thanks to Niall who seemed to notice the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

“Jnel, why don’t you eat breakfast with us?” Niall suggested lightening the mood. I smiled at him and nod in agreement.  I have no choice but to deal with the situation and to think the lads are all amazing except for you know who.


 Feeling unwanted by the person you wanted the most is the hardest thing to face. There could be no possible way to get her to want me just like before. It was painful to see her totally ignoring my presence. The pain pricked every corner of my soul like needles that scratches more wounds as time goes by.

I really don’t know what to do. Jnel was here in our flat and I could not deny the fact how happy I am to see her. She looked beautiful in plain shirt and denim pants. I could sense that she was not that comfortable being with us.

“Is there anything you need?” I asked. She paused for a while thinking whether to give me an answer or not. There was a moment of silence. She was not comfortable with talking to me. I was about to approach her when Niall broke the silence.

“Jnel, why don’t you eat breakfast with us?” Niall suggested and Jnel smiled at him and nod in agreement. It hurts me to find her acting normal towards other people except with me. Liam leads the way to the kitchen so that we could start making our breakfast. I tried to get closer with Jnel. Zayn and Louis winked at me when they noticed what I am trying to do.

“Jnel, did you know that Harry can make some rolls within half an hour?” Louis asked.

“Nope.” Jnel replied shortly.

“Aww…then let’s make a deal….” Louis said, “if harry finished baking four dozens of bread rolls half an hour then you got to stay with him while your parents are not around.”

I tried to hide my smile with Lou’s condition. I used to be a baker and making breads is not new to me. Now, I was silently praying that Jnel would agree with the deal. I looked at her and she was in the middle of confusion.

“Ok…make it five dozens and I am in with that bet.” She said giving Lou her most don’t-mess-with-me look.

“Then we’ll make it five, deal?” I could sense that all my mates were staring at Jnel. They all wanted to help me fix my relationship with her. This is the main reason why we decided to go and unwind in my town.  We have two months to get a break and screw up some songs before we resume our tour.

“Deal. But if Harry didn’t make it then he should never show himself to me again.” She said and took Lou’s open hands to close the deal. I almost jump at that time but I know doing so would destroy the moment.

Once the timer started I immediately get all the ingredients and do the measurements and of course my secret to set the yeast on the dough in less than five minutes. Should I say I am good at it? I saw jnel’s worried face when she saw me lining up the rolls on the tray. I am in a good mood that I didn’t realize I was humming our song ‘Magic’ in the background.

“I am not going to stand and watch Harry finishes all the bread rolls.” Liam said and yawned before opening the fridge and getting the chocolate cake left over last night. He called Jnel and the two of them starts eating.

                After 28 minutes…

                “I told you he can…” Louis continued teasing Jnel. The lads were eventually happy for the win.

                “That is cheating…you didn’t tell me he used to be a baker.” Jnel exclaimed but we refused to back off with the deal. I sat next to her and said, “See you later…”, before I went back to my room leaving her cursing silently. J


TAKE ME HOME: a Harry Styles Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now