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Soooooo, the boys and girls are all at college. It's their 3rd year of being there. And we all know what college is like, parties, studying, more parties, fights, bitchiness, relationships, even more parties, etc. I could go on, but I won't, to make this thing shorter. xD Anyway, all college's have cliques, right? Well, the boys and girls aren't all in the same clique. Some don't even particularly like each other..

Harry/Gf: Harry, he's the popular jock of the campus. Everyone wants to be close with him. He's also the star captain of the football team, which is why he's so popular. He practically runs the campus. Harry is pretty much like the god of the college. Always having girls, popular, having tons of friends. However, -Gf's name- is completely different. She's a nerd, a very pretty nerd though. She's very quiet, doesn't have that many friends, always studying. She's closest with -Lou's gf- who's quite popular, the only she's close with her is because they grew up together. Lou's gf got her to agree to attend the party at one of the sorority houses, where everyone will be. Of course, -Gf's name- lets her self go and drinks and whatever. During the party, Harry is dared by Louis to go ask -Gf's name- out, eventually start dating her then reveal it was all fake at the next party. When Harry asks out -Gf's name- she stupidly says yes, since she has a huge crush on him. They eventually start dating, well fake dating in Harry's eyes. But Harry starts to form genuine feelings for her, he starts to really, really like her. What happens when -Gf's name- finds out Harry was dared to ask out? Will Harry prevent her from finding out, or will he have a lot of explaining to do?

Louis/Gf: Louis is another popular jock, however he isn't on the football team, he's on the basketball team. Not like it matters, but still. He's really popular and is currently dating the bitch of the campus. They're always arguing, fighting. They're only together because they're both popular, as in she's head cheerleader, and he's a jock. He's best friends with -Gf's name- and is always complaining about his girlfriend to her. -Gf's name- has a crush on Louis, ever since they've been friends.. which is like, since they started college. -Gf's name- is pretty popular, since she's friends with Lou. But she wants to be more than friends.. She hates his girlfriend, and wishes it was her instead. She can't stand seeing them together, even though Louis is always complaining about his girlfriend, he stays with her for the popularity side of things. But deep down, he secretly likes -Gf's name-. At the sorority party, Louis dares Harry to ask out Harry's gf, end up dating her, then pretty much break her heart telling her it was all fake at the next party, since he thinks it'd be hilarious. Louis also gets into a fight with his girlfriend, in which he ends up splitting up with her. Once he splits up with her, he goes to find -Gf's name- to tell her and that he's really liked her the whole time. He finds -Gf name- but she's in the middle of locking lips with some other dude. -Gf's name- is drunk off her ass, to her kissing that dude means nothing. But when Lou sees her, he breaks. And leaves the party. -Gf's name- notices him and runs after him. What will happen?

Niall/Gf: Niall, the heartbreaker, ladies man. He isn't a jock, but he's very popular.. with the ladies. He pretty much has a different girl every two weeks. He gets bored easily. All he has to do is click his fingers, then he has a girl. Every girl wants him for some odd reason. Well, except from -Gf's name-. She wants nothing to do with him, she hates the way he treats girls. Niall has had pretty much, every decent girl at the college except her. He doesn't even know -Gf's name- since she's very quiet. But -Gf's name- knows of him. So when Niall sees her at the party, he immediately wants her. He tries his best to be smooth and flirty, but -Gf's name- will just not take to him. All night he's trying to get her, but she keeps refusing and turning him down. Niall gets so frustrated and begs her for one chance. -Gf's name- finally gives into him and gives him a chance, just so he'll stop pestering her. So the next day, Niall and Gf has a date. Niall tries everything to wow her and end up going on a couple more dates. -Gf's name- really starts to fall for Niall.. she falls for him a little too hard. At the next party, -Gf's name- cant find Niall anywhere, and when she does find him.. She sees him kissing another girl. -Gf's name- gets so upset and angry, she ends up arguing with him right there at the party. Niall is absolutely wasted.. will she forgive him? Will Niall eventually ask her to be his girlfriend?

Zayn/Gf: Zayn, the bad boy of the campus. Made out to be the one who's always drinking, smoking, taking drugs, fighting etc. Pretty much everyone is scared of him, he loves scaring people. He's known as a proper bully, always getting less popular people to do all his assignments, term papers, blah blah blah. -Gf's name- on the other hand, is a completely different person. She's so sweet and innocent. Never ever touched any form of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and has never been in a fight. She's little miss goody two shoes. Niall's gf manages to get her to go the party, and once at the party Zayn spots her immediately. He straight away starts to flirt with her. -Gf's name- flirts back, but she only flirts to a certain limit. She knows what type of person Zayn is like. So, she doesn't want to get involved with a person like him. After the party, Zayn tries the next couple of days flirting with her non-stop, over calls, texts or in person. But still, -Gf's name- isn't having it. Zayn knows he needs to change his ways if he wants to be with her. Will he change how he is, just for her?

Liam/Gf: Liam, quite geeky. He's intelligent, sensible and good hearted. Always getting the best grades at every subject. He's probably the smartest person on the campus. He doesn't have that many friends, he prefers being alone and studying, playing chess or whatever the hell geeks like to do. Hardly anyone knows who he is, he's a nobody. A loser. ( sounds mean, I know. :c ) He gets bullied often, nothing major. Just stupid name-calling, but he doesn't let it get to him. However, this little nobody has a secret.. Liam, the nobody.. is dating one of the most popular girls in the school. -Gf's name- the head cheerleader. You'd think if he was dating head cheerleader that he'd be popular, of course you would. But there's a twist.. this little relationship is hush hush. It's a secret that nobody knows about.. Liam wants to reveal the relationship, but -Gf's name- doesn't want too. -Gf's name- really really loves Liam, but she doesn't want to ruin her popularity. What happens when Liam blurts everything out at the sorority party? -Gf's name- storms off, frustrated. Will she dump Liam and stay popular? Or will she stay with Liam and lose her popularity status?

**Start by getting ready for the party, see where things go from there.

After the party, skip to morning or whatever idek.

Don't forget, there's another party. cx

Hope you like the plot! Feedback would be great, thank you!**

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