The Holidays

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Alright so, it's a week before christmas and the group of friends are staying at Niall's for the holidays. (Note-doesn't have to be for christmas, you can just make it so that they're just visiting at random if you'd like.) Will anything happen? As they're having a few drinks later on the first night. Will anything happen with a bunch a drunk friends? I think so.

Niall/Gf: Aw, aw, aw. Besties. They were introduced together by Harry's gf about two years ago, as soon as they met, there really was a spark between them. But neither of them realise it. When everyone's at Niall's and Niall is spending more and more time with -Gf's name- he starts falling for her more than he has been. He's falling for her hard. Everyone can see them falling for each other and everyone knows that they like each other. But both of them keep denying it. What happens when Niall accidentally kisses -Gf's name- while having a few drinks? Was it really accidental or did he do on purpose?Will he win her heart over christmas? Will they be anything more?

Harry/Gf: Uh oh. These don't get along at all. Infact, you could probably say that they despise each other. They argue and fight with each other over the slightest things. But why do they hate each other? Well, -Gf's name- actually is currently dating Liam and has been for the past year, which Harry is really jealous of. Harry actually really likes -Gf's name- and only "hates" her to get her attention. He'll do anything to split her and Liam up. What happens when Harry and -Gf's name- are arguing then kisses -Gf's name- infront of Liam? Liam thinks that him and -Harry's gf- need to break up, so Liam dumps her right there and then infront of everyone. Leaving a very, very happy Harry and a pissed/upset -Harry's gf-. Will Harry explain how he feels? Will she feel the same? Will Harry and -Gf's name- ever work?

Liam/Gf: Liam and -Gf's name- have forever been bestfriends. They know each other inside and out. -Gf's name- has a huuuuuge crush on Liam, and has done for the past five years. However, Liam is currently dating Harry's gf. Which has always gotten -Liam's gf- a little jealous, but she never makes a big deal out of it. Well tries not to. But when Liam sees Harry kissing Harry's gf, Liam is quite upset and automatically thinks that Liam and Harry's gf need to break up, so he dumps Harry's gf right infront of everyone. Liam storms off, looking for a shoulder to cry on. Liam's gf, ends up being the one for him. Despite her being a little happy that him and Harry's gf split up, she still feels bad for him. What happens when -Gf's name- is comforting Liam and he admits that he really likes -Gf's name-? Will she admit it back?

Zayn/Gf: Zayn and -Gf's name- haven't actually ever met before this. They're both very good mutual friends with Niall but haven't officially met. Zayn arrives late to Niall's, he doesn't arrive till the morning. When Zayn sees -Gf's name- he instantly falls for her. He thinks she perfect. So obviously, he tries making a move with her. But -Gf's name- is having none of it. She's playing hard to get and she's loving it, while it's annoying the hell outta' Zayn. Zayn tries everything from flirting, complimenting, offering dates to buying her things. But -Gf's name- just won't take to it. What happens when Zayn perks up the courage to kiss her. Is that when -Gf's name- will finally break and fall for him?

Louis/Gf: These two a good friends. They have a laugh and joke with each other. Neither of them have ever thought about being more as they just enjoy each other's company. Louis is different when he's around -Gf's name- he feels like he can be his entire self around her and that he can say what he likes. But, when everyone is having a few drinks one night, Louis and -Gf's name- end up having one too many.. and end up sleeping together. (If you or someone in the chat doesn't like anything graphic, then you don't have to rp out the scene. -.-) They wake up in the same bed together the next morning, confused and hungover. But they both admit they enjoyed it. Will that be the start of something? Friends with benefits maybe? Or will they realise that they've actually fallen for each other?

****Start in the morning, waking up. You can sort out rooms and shit yourselves. c:

Zayn can start by going to Niall's or whatever since he isn't there yet.

Enjoy the plot and I hope you have fun roleplaying it.

NOTE: It doesn't have to be christmas themed.***

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