20. Sud pills (EDITED)

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Heyyyyyy all! 😇😄😚
Alfanis's pov

I was content in having Sofia sit on my lap. Her face was buried into my shirt it was the most peaceful thing ever. After my conference call. Sofia feel asleep on me.

Five minutes after Sofia feel asleep the flight attendant came over and said that we were about to land in Italy and that Sofia would have to go back to her seat so she could buckle up because of the turbulence.

I buckled Sofia into my seatbelt with me just as we where about to land. The turbulence wasn't even that bad. I heard the captain talking about how we had just landed in Italy and that he hoped we had a nice flight.

I scoffed at the least. A nice flight would've been me and Sofia enjoying ourself and not that fūcking annoying flight attendant nagging us.

I quickly un buckled us and grabbed Sofia tightly and carried her off the plane. She wasn't heavy but she also wasn't very light. She was more in the middle.

I walked us to the car that was waiting for us, putting her in the back seat. And slid in beside her. I gave the driver the address to her old house. And he drove off.

I was typing on my phone when Sofia started talking and shaking and crying in her sleep. We had only been in the car for 5 minutes when she started screaming.

I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up. Finally I had enough of her screaming and I slapped her.

Sofia looked dazed and confused. She sat up and looked around like she didn't know where she was. "Eddy where am I?" I clenched my jaw and ran my hands through my hair a few times before I tried to answer her.

"Sofia baby look at me. I'm not Eddy I'm Alfanis." I told her but she still looked confused.

"NO! YOUR EDDY!! GET AWAY FROM ME. I DONT WANT TO BE NEAR YOU!! I WANT ALFANIS." at this point she was yelling so loud that I'm sure other people would hear her screaming about me not being Alfanis when in fact I was Alfanis.

I dug around in my pocket for my little white container of pills and straddled Sofia. And shoved them down her throat.

In 5 minutes she was quite again, now asleep. I was so thankful that I had brought the sud pills. She would definitely be out for a day or two. She needed to calm down and realize who I was before I end up killing the poor confused woman.

We had just made it to the stop light when our car was hit by a semi truck. I don't know what the f@ck happened alls I remember is trying to protect Sofia.

A bleeding Sofia. Sofia was bleeding? I tried to undo her seat belt but I couldn't see straight. Everything went black.

-Ashley 😘

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