22. sam aloctt (EDITED)

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Hey all! 😃

So I listened to your suggestions and this chapter will have the new charter.

Unknown pov

Hello. How are you guys? If your reading this it's because I am the next and important person in this story. This story will all come together. I would say that I'm more important then Sofia.

We were in high school and I had the biggest crush on Alfanis. He was so sweet and nerdy looking. He had thick rimmed glasses along with his gorgeous eyes that would bulge out of his head when someone always asked him to talk.

I loved Alfanis ever since high school. He never noticed me. Until one day I tapped him on the shoulder asking him to help me spell something.

At first he was angry. He turned around and spoke "What do you want!"At first I was stunned and my lip started to quiver out of a nervous.

I seen Alfanis's eyes start to soften. He took off his glasses and pulled out a hanker chief, he tried to wipe away my treats but I slapped his hands away from me.

At first he was stunned like he didn't know what to do. He sat there quietly not saying anything. And so did I. From that moment on I knew he was mine and i was his.

I cleared my throat and turned to look at him. "Now if your done yelling at me id like it if you could help me spell this word please."

He looked confused but needless to say he help me spell it and I was greatful.

After the bell rang I met up with my TWIN sister Miley. She was a kind caring person. We looked just alike. My father only needed one daughter to keep his place in the mafia but he got two and no boys.

In the twin friendship I was the boy. I took care of Miley I never let anyone hurt her. She was my little sister. She came out two minutes after I did. She either wanted to be first or was just really happy to see the world.

Either or I loved her. I loved her so much.

My sister and I grew up tough as nails. We went through tough situations that involved us to be who we where.

I could be just as Cold as my father and ruthless as him. While my sister was ruthless but she wasn't necessarily cold. Maybe she gets that part from our mother. Our mother could never be mean.

I was finally graduating high school with Alfanis. At this point we were already dating. And things felt like they where going so fast.

Alfanis told me he loved me two years ago. I couldn't imagine my life without him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

My sister graduated along with us. One day she confessed that she was taken advantage of at a party and was pregnant. She begged me not to tell my father but I had to.

I sat my father down one morning and told him about everything that had happened. He was so angry that Miley wouldn't tell him.

He had a long talk with her and I felt so horrible that I wasn't there to help her. Alfanis kept telling me it wasn't my fault. I didn't believe him. I was supposed to take care of her she's the baby sister. And my world.

*4 years later*

Alfanis asked me to marry him. I was so happy and excited!! At this point he was the new don and I couldn't wait to have him by my side forever. He was everything I always wanted.

The day before the wedding I was getting cold feet. I didn't know if I wanted to be with Alfanis anymore. I asked Miley to marry him. I begged and begged her. I told her I'd take care of my nephew up until she got a divorce from Alfanis. And she agreeded.

The day of the wedding I was sitting in the back when I heard a commotion. I was getting up to go see what was wrong when someone tapped me on the back and knocked me out with the but of there gun.

I woke up to find out that my sister killed herself the day of the wedding, she was arguing with Alfanis.

I looked around the room to realize that this was my room? I was confused and sad. I don't know what happened with my sister but I vowed to get revenge.

I will find out what exactly happened on that day.

My father was dying of cancer and needed me to take over his mafia business. In order for me to do that I needed to be mean and stay away from Alfanis.

And I did exactly that. I never contacted him. I didn't want anything new to do with him. I got cold and relentless and mean. I was the monster my father made me into.

My nephew and I visit my sisters grave every year. It has been 4 years since my sister died. My nephew asks about his mother everyday.

I know he doesn't understand right now. But someone day he will and when he does it will be world war 2. My sister loved her son and would never kill herself.

Now that you know about me but might as well tell you my name.

My name is Sam Alcott and I am the start of this book. I am back to claim what's mine and that's Alfanis and Eddy they are mine. And I refuse to let Sofia get in my way.

Yes! It really is Sam. She never died.

It was here sister.

Hope there's no confusion in this chapter


-Ashley 💖

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