5. Her. (Edited)

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Happy update day! I have missed you lovely folks so very much! Anywho mother is here with an update! Just for you. 😌 so enjoy! Surprise this chapter is in alfanis POV! 😀 also the band up top is my favorite.
Alfanis pov.

Her. Her. Her. She ran through my mind all day long. Eddy was right. She was gorgeous. She looked at me as if she knew who I was. I bet she didn't know I was a Russian mafia boss. if she did, she wouldn't have thrown herself at she would've coward in fear. I knew everything about her.

I knew what her dad did. I also knew about her slüt of a mother and what she did and how she left poor Sofia in the hands of the most biggest mafia man ever. Her father. The son of all dons not only did he run the Italian mafia he also runs half of the companies all over the world.

I have always wanted Sofia, the day I seen her when we went to school together. She always got made fun of because of her hair. I happened to Adore her color of hair. I always had a thing for red heads.
FLASH BACK 7th Grade

"Um excuse me could you show me were the office is I'm new here and I'm not sure we're to go?" I spun around to see who was talking me to she was cute. She had the most beautiful red hair I've ever seen and freckles to match the color of her skin.

If you look hard enough you could see them. She had one blue eye and one grey one. I looked up to see Her staring at me. she sheepishly smiled and began to walk away. I grabbed her arm just as another kid pulled here over to her and kissed her.

It took me 2.2 seconds to see red, I was so mad. I briskly walked over to them and cleared my throat. "Hey my name is alfanis and you are?" She ignored me and kept walking with that girl.

The girl who came out of nowhere and stole my girl! She was mine and I will have her. No matter what it takes. During lunch time I saw the same girl again the beautiful girl who kissed that other girl.

She sat down at my table and looked at me "hey I'm Sofia I'm sorry about that earlier. I have no idea who that girl was she just told me to go with it if I wanted to become popular. Your alfanis right?" I muttered a "yeah" to her and continued eating my food.

It wasn't the best food but it was enough to get me throughout the day till I got home. I glanced up to see Sofia looking at me she hurried up and looked away. Well okay then.
Flash back over!
Eddys falling in love with Sofia. I strictly told him to bring me the girl! Not to date her. Now I'll have to get rid of him. I was pulled out of my thoughts by one of my men. "Hey boss we need you in the basement we found the rat and you aren't going to like it." I sigh into the phone and grab the keys leading down into the basement.

Walking down there was quite which is weird considering there's a rat and half my men down there. Walking into the basement it had limited lighting so you had to find your footing. I placed my hands on the rail to find my way and when I did I seen the rat, the trader, the guy who I called my brother.

Who was in fact my half brother. Teddy. He was right I was going to be pissed. I threw a vase at the wall shattering it into pieces getting everyone's attention. Everyone stopped to look at me. Everyone was completely silent, waiting for me to speak. I cleared my throat but nothing came out I was so furious that he betrayed me, when I have given him everything!

I cleared my throat again and started to look at teddy. "Now teddy dear brother please tell me why you be traded me? Have I not been good to you and your wife?! Have I not done anything to you? I always have wanted the best for you considering that we're family! Who do you work for?"I waited for him to answer. And when he spoke it came out in a mere whisper.

I cleared my throat again "could you repeat that?" he started screamed it over and over Eddy he yelled, next came I'm sorry he whispered before putting his head down. I did feel bad for him he was always a push over. But in this household we kill rats and least to say I was very disappointed in him.

I knew what had to be done. I looked all around the room, taking weapons off the table and strolled over to teddy and whisper in his ear "I love you baby brother you were always my favorite and the only family I had left" without warning i slit his throat and watched as his eyes go wide. As he tired to hold his neck and stop the bleeding. I watched him bleed out.

"right hand clean this up. I want his body gone" They moved at my orders and did so quickly. I walked up to my office and poured myself a drink.
Hey loves I know a bit boring but we have some action now! also l want to say thanks for reading and voting!
Also yes Sofia and alfanis went to school together not sure of Sofia remembers who he is. But she really left an impression on alfanis.
- Ashley 🌏🌏

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