14. disappear. (EDITED)

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Eddys pov

I had to disappear back to Italy for a while. Alfanis was on to me. I know he was he was the one who sent the head to me. I had to get away. I needed to get my head cleared, I was falling for her and I didn't want to nor did I want to hurt her. I know what to do anymore. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the don started speaking about his daughter Sofia.

Boy he sure loved that girl. It was sickening to here him talk about her so much and how he loved his only daughter. When all I wanted to do was slice her neck open and send her back in a god damn body bag. See what I mean when I said I didn't know what I wanted?

Over all she was a great person and still liked me even after another (my mafia) mafia group took her. I couldn't understand why. I was a fücked person and couldn't understand why she liked me so much. But then again I am eddy defacto and girls fall in love with me whereverI go. I was pulled back into the real world to see the don staring at me.

"Umm yeah that sounds perfect" I said. I was hoping that he didn't know I wasn't listening to him.

He looked at me for a moment and then said "eddy what the hell are you talking about? I was asking how my daughter was and if you had found who has taken her?"

Now I knew I couldn't tell him the truth if I did my head would be on a platter,my feet would be wearing a new pair of cement shoes. I looked back up to him "no don we haven't found out yet. But I'm working on it. There are only a few mafias left in Russia. But I'm pretty sure that Alfanis's group took her. Because it is the only thing that makes sense right now." I said looking at him.

Hoping he wasn't going to catch my lie. I only said Alfanis's group because it would be a great way to get rid of the Russian mafia as well. and eliminate other groups as well.

I looked up to see the don with clenched fist and looking as if he wanted to kill me. I was stunned of what happened next.

The don cleared his throat and began to ramble so many different things off in Italian that I could barely keep up.

"Eddy go to the warehouse and get all the guns and bring them here. Go to the other warehouse and get all the drugs and bring them here. Get our girls and men here as well. We are taking a little trip to Russia. " he says.

I'm shocked to the lease. Not knowing what to say I simply nod and walk away.

I step out of the Massive penthouse and make my way outside. Not only is it hot but it's also muggy as an elephant out here.

getting into the car and make my way to the first location of the warehouse I think, today's going to be a very long day.

Reality of the situation is that this could go really well or this could go and back fire on us.

And I am hoping this works in our favor.

Hey all. I know this chapter is a bit boring but since I had most of it written I decided not to erase it.

Vote/comment/ tell me what you think!

-Ashley 💖👊🏻

Russian mafia boss (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now