16 the chip (EDITED)

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Hey all! Update update update.

Alfanis's pov.

After leaving Sofia's house I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was being selfish but if I couldn't have Sofia then nobody could. I would eliminate everyone until I got her and she was by my side forever.

I was confused how had I fallen so quickly for her?
I snuck into his pent house and went to talk to him, Not about Sofia of course. About something else. While we where having an "okay" conversation

I patted him on the arm and installed a chip in it. I would know of everything that he does. I could also hear every conversation, thoughts and anything he was thinking, no matter how far away he would get. I could hear everything.

Eddy use to be one of my best friends until he started get a big head and thinking that he could take over all the mafias.

not anymore, I was going to end him for good, that way he couldn't hurt Sofia.
we killed Sofia's father. He had it coming and how he disrespected her. A bullet threw his brain and a pair of cement shoes. His body would be sent back to the Italian mafia so they can have a proper burial and what not and read his will.

I hope he wrote a will he was getting old anyways.

But for eddy we have different plans.


The bag was thrown off eddys head, he looked completely surprised that it was me who had gotten him. He thought we where "equal" but we are not.

I am the greatest to ever walk this earth!

I am the greatest to ever walk this earth!

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(N/a Stephan James is Alfanis. Also very hot lol)

I took a step towards eddy. I wasn't sure what I was going to do yet. I looked around the room for something until I came across bolt cutters.

He would never double cross me again. I took the bolt cutters and swiftly walked up to eddy and whispered in his ear.

"Eddy any last words?" I said. The more I looked at him the angrier I got.

He nodded his head and spoke "look Alfanis I know you hate me and but I've got somewhere to be. Could we hurry this up? P.s I f@cked Sofia"

I landed a punch in the middle of his stomach and then his side and other side, then his face.

He started coughing up more blood. I should've been happy after I finished but I wasn't.

I took the bolt cutters and chopped off 2 of his fingers. You could hear him screaming.

I couldn't take his screaming anymore he was worser than any hooker I've ever f&cked. I picked up his fingers from off the floor and shoved him in his mouth. He started gagging on them and finally was able to spit them out.

I cleared my throat and spoke "listen here eddy and you listen f@cking good. Stay away from Sofia or else your D!ck will be shoved down your throat! Now we are going to let you go. But next time it won't be so easy." I spoke with a calm face.

I motioned for the other guys to come in and take eddy away. "Boys put eddy somewhere he won't cause trouble. Better yet put eddy in the states and leave him there."

As they hauled him off I stopped spun around and said my last few words to eddy "oh by the way eddy. Now that your out of the picture Sofia will be all mine and we will have many baby's."

Eddy tried to protest and say something but I snapped my fingers and was done listening to him. They hauled him out.

he wouldn't be a problem anymore for anyone, hopefully.

I walked through the secret tunnels and back into my office to find Sofia waiting for me.

I cleared my throat and she turned around, i motioned for her to sit down in the chair beside me and she did.

It was quite. No one said a word for at least a good 5 minutes.

I looked at her and she looked at me. Occasionally I took a drink of whiskey and she took a drink of her lemonade.
Hey all what's Sofia got to tell Alfanis?

Are y'all surprised about eddy?

-Ashley 🌚

Russian mafia boss (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now