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Excerpts from a report by Doctor Robert Thoth, a professor at the College of Malchom and a renowned dynamicologist:

"Powers are superhuman abilities possessed by every human. They are mostly hereditary. They are ranked into C, B, A, O, R and S. They are grouped into three, Magic, Geophysical and Energy. People usually have one to two powers of the same group but the ability Juggle allows certain individuals to have three or more powers of the same group.

Limitators are worn by people who cannot control their powers or for people with Energy powers due to the sparks of power sometimes released. These are gems that are magically incline to limit certain powers. They have their own levels of power and a person needs a certain limiting gem for their own power/s.

The first group of powers is called Magic. This is the most popular kind of powers because most people belong to this group. Magicians have use spells, charms and hexes in their powers. Notably, simple spells are words spelled backwards. For example, on of the spells of healing is "Eruc", the backward spelling of cure. For more powerful and complicated spells, a keyword or several keywords are used. For example, a keyword of the spell for teleportation is "Telepora" and another keyword is needed for the spell to work.

The second group of powers is called Geophysical. Geos, people who are Geophysical users have the power to control elements of the world or possess an enhanced superhuman ability (for example, super strength).

The last group of powers is called Energy. Aurans, people who are Energy users can control their energy, more popularly known as auras. Most non Energy users does not know the color of their auras, though all humans have auras. The most common colors of auras are white, gray, green and brown."

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