Chapter XV Terrie: Escaping the Bony Clutches

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Location: Third floor pantry, Bibliotheca and Technologies Center (BTC), High School Building

Date and Time: September 25; 3:00 pm

I inhaled and exhaled fast. I closed my eyes to rest them. It was fortunate that the electricity was back, or else it would be very dark in the pantry. "That was a close call.", the person beside me said and I looked at that person.

"Yeah, it was Bonnie.", I smiled at her. I saw her breathe fast too. "That skeleton was very fast, huh?"

She smiled, "Yeah. It was unlike the fat ones we saw earlier.", she chuckled a bit.

I laughed too. "The fat ones were very slow." She nodded her head. Then, we stopped talking to each other. We caught our breaths first before we talked again.

"I thank the pantry for being here.", she told. "I used to think that this place is only for cleaning supplies. I never knew that it could be used for hiding."

I smiled. "Yeah. I used to think like you too. I have a huge appreciation for pantries now.", I told her, emphasizing on the word huge. She chuckled a bit.

I never knew that a pile of bones could run that fast. I thought. The skeleton we ran into had swords, two, long swords in each hand. It was so agile and so quick, like it was a cheetah or something. Fortunately, it wasn't bright. When we hid in the pantry, he didn't see us. He thought that we ran down the hallway. "How did it get here?", she muttered.

"I don't know.", I told her.

She smiled. "I usually ask Connor for the answers and he would always have the answers." After a while, she frowned a bit. She sounded tense. "I don't even know if he's safe or not."

I comforted her. "Look, Connor's a smart man. I bet he found a way to get out."

She looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, I guess so but he has a knack of attracting unwanted attention." I smiled at what she told me. What she doesn't know is how much Connor gets worried for her. I remembered one day when Bonnie got lost in Rome. Once, Bonnie, Connor, Rence and I went to Rome. Unfortunately, Bonnie got lost strangely. Connor was moving back and forth at the entrance of the Colosseum in Rome, walking around with his phone on his ear.

"Bonnie, pick up!", he got angry at the phone.

"Chill dude! I'm sure Bonnie's alright.", Rence said. Connor stopped pacing back and forth and stopped to be with us. He then shot Rence with a cold stare and a raise brow. He also let down his hand with his phone.

"Why are you so worried about Bonnie anyways?", I asked him.

He looked at me so dead serious. "It's because that woman is my friend."

"So what? We're all her friends and look at us, we aren't even worried for her.", Rence said to him, "It's because we believe that she's capable of handling herself. She's a very powerful magician."

"Don't you trust her?", I asked him.

He looked down at the ground. "I do."

"Then why are you so worried? She's a grown woman already." I told him.

"It's just that, I've been so used with her being always at my side that when she isn't, I get worried." Connor acts like a brother to Bonnie. He often worries for Bonnie and Bonnie doesn't know that. When Bonnie got to the Colosseum, she got lectured by Connor about staying with the group.

Then, I remembered another person who has that same knack as Connor and someone I care for too, Rence.

"I'm worried about Rence.", I told her sadly. My eyes looked down the floor. "I haven't seen him since this afternoon and he isn't at this floor." I got worried more. He was supposed to be here but he wasn't.

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