Chapter XVII Connor: Looking Back

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Location: Brigg Street, Yellow Hub, Downtown Miracle Island

Date and Time: September 26; 3:00 pm

Connor's POV

"I wonder how many skellys are here!" Rence shouted.

"Sssshhhhh," I told him. "You might attract them more! I had too much of them already and I don't want more!" I've had a rough time with them.

He stopped talking aloud for a few minutes. He went to continue mumbling on his own, grumbling on how much he hated bones now. We continued walking down the bay front. We've been at the Yellow side of the island ever since the night they attacked the island. Rence and I decided that it would be dangerous to stay at the apartment so we found a house to settle in.

"So, do you know what made me ill yesterday?" Rence broke the silence I was enjoying a bit. For him, the deafening silence is too much for his "noise-loving" ears.

"I still don't. I need a laboratory." I remembered the specimen I had that was from the thumb of a skeleton.

"Then, where is it?"

"How should I know? I've only been here for months! You, you've been here longer! You should know more about this town!" There are just some days that I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Yesterday, I was nearly in a good mood until Rence was out cold. Now, I was in a very bad mood.

"I don't usually visit this part of DMI. I usually go to the Red Beach Side and Blue Plaza only. This place is boring, so, I don't go here." Rence said to me.

"Well, I don't visit this place either." I confessed.


"Because it's boring here. Full of numbers and statistics. And, the sports area is at the RBS." I told him. I play for the Faculty Football team of MiCo or Miracle College. Terrie is part of the Faculty Basketball team. Rence and Bonnie don't really play sports but they are part of some teams. Rence is part of the Miracle College orchestra that competes internationally. Bonnie is part of the Dance team of Miracle College.

He smiled. "I guess we're not really that opposite. And for a Maths teacher not to like numbers and statistics," He chuckled, "I laugh. Why did you even want to become a Maths teacher. It's such a bore! You could've been a Gym teacher."

"Well, I was forced to." I told him, looking at the distance. "It's always numbers and statistics for this guy." I pointed to myself with shame, but, that wasn't the whole truth why I chose to become a Maths teacher. I sighed out loud as I pointed.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry for that." I turned to him in surprise. I didn't even explain why I was forced to. He didn't need any explanation. As if he knew the feeling of being forced.

"It's ok. You couldn't have done anything about it." Perhaps there's more to Rence than a man who takes adult immaturity to the next level. Probably there's more to him than what meets the eye.

DMI is the shortcut for Downtown Miracle Island. There are three parts of the DMI: Red Beach Side, Blue Plaza and Yellow Hub. The island's center is a mountain. They called it Alpha Mountain. Alpha mountain is where the school stands. It's quite far from the flat part of the island. The three parts of DMI circles the mountain, Red Beach Side, Blue Plaza and Yellow Hub.

Red Beach Side is the biggest part of the island. It covers one third of the island. It's where all the restaurants, the sports center and area and most of the futuristic stuff is found. Coffee shops, tea shops, bars, restaurants, shopping center, it's all in the Red Beach Side or RBS for short. It's the most populous place in Miracle Island, since everything "cool" is in there. The restaurant I ate with the other five, Rence, Bonnie, Terrie, Gwen and unfortunately, Rose is found there. Unfortunately, no one can use the beach, even though it's so beautiful, since the port of the island is also found in the RBS.

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