Chapter XX Elsea: All Aboard the S.S. Neptune

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Location: Rommelus Mansion, Optimas Island, Olympus

Date and Time: Date not applicable; 10:20 am

Elsea's POV

We all head to the Tactics Room. No one was there in the Tactics Room itself but, I saw Mama, Papa and Hecate in the Meeting Room, beside the Tactics Room.

The Meeting Room is exclusive to the Nobles. It is a wide room with the central piece of a long table and a lot of chairs. Elegant chandeliers lit the room. Glass windows were at the right. The color of the Meeting Room is cream with a lot of plants, pots, and decors. The main decor though is the beautiful wall painting on the ceiling. The painting was filled with angels, happiness, eagles and goodness.

We all sat down in our respective seats. I sat near Papa and Mama, since, Apollo always sits near them. Wherever Apollo sits, I'll sit near him. It was Apollo and my shared protocol. I always like sitting next to him.

Papa rose from his seat. "Good morning everyone. I welcome Elsea back to our home and all of you in this short briefing." I nodded as he pointed at me.

Papa looked the same. He had the same, neat, professional-looking raven black hair. His stubble is cut finely, unlike Hephaetus' choppy stubble.  He has this same professionalism. He was wearing his grey business suit.

"As you all know, there will be a brief meeting later at the Meeting area. This will include all the Legends." He said. Everyone nodded.

"This is a very rare meeting since everyone will be there." Mama said happily.

I looked down at the table. "Not everyone." I muttered in a tone with anger and sadness. The room was filled with silence. I noticed the silence and looked at everyone. They were confused why there was silence. I looked at Mama and she sadly looked at me. She had a frown on her face.

"Elsea," Poseidon, who was at my left, held my hand. He looked saddened by what I had said. I realized that I muttered out too loud.

"I'm blame them for everything." Apollo muttered quietly, with anger and hate in his voice. I clenched my fist. Apollo never liked the ones I was talking about. It's that one thing we always have a disagreement about.

"I'm sorry for ruining the mood." I said monotonously. I looked at Hera. "Please continue."

She smiled at bit a me, the smile that tells 'It's okay honey. You should move on. Don't be sad now'. I faked smiled. Hera bought my act. I am  a great actress because of Dio.  I was crying again inside. How can someone tell me  to move on after the loss of someone who made an impact in my life? I couldn't just possibly forget and move on. I couldn't, I just can't.

"Hecate," Zeus said after he cleared his throat. "Please explain what will happen later." He sat down across Hera near the end of the table. Hecate got the floor from Zeus and looked at the long table.

Hecate Rommelus was a very intelligent woman. A renowned scientist in the world, she has won a lot of awards and achievements. Her cover-up age is the same with her permanent age. She was Zeus' sister, his only sister, yet, you can't tell since she looked younger and they didn't look alike. She has straight, light red-violet hair that reached to her elbows and amber eyes. She usually wears metallic gold eye glasses, which looks like Ray Bans. 

She was wearing a crimson red blouse, a beige pencil skirt  and sandals. That was basically her house clothes. On top of her clothes was a long, white laboratory coat that reached to her knees. She had a red ball pen inside her left chest pocket. Her hair was in braid which she tied into a ponytail. She placed her hair on her left side.

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