Chapter XI Connor: Riddle Me My Happiness

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Location: High School Cafeteria, High School Building, Miracle College

Date and Time: September 2; 11:30 am

I took a sip from my cup of cold water and I put the glass down. I then sighed and closed my eyes. I just had to meet her again, I thought to myself, Gosh, what a pain in the ass. Meeting my ex was a horrible thing. Meeting that person who broke my heart at the altar sure is a pain. I just hated it.

No matter how much I tried to take her off my mind, I couldn't. She was sticked to my mind, like it was glued to my brain. She used to be my heart, someone I would do anything out of love. I love her and I was loyal to her. What did she repay me? A rejection at the altar, that's what.

Bonnie had tried to "knock some sense" to me, "Look, I know she's sorry. Just give her a chance!"

I looked at her and I couldn't smile at her. I don't get crossed at Bonnie, the few people who experience my eternal good side and Rose used to be one of those people. "I just need time with her."

"Time! Connor, it's been two years! That's a lot of time already.", her voice stressed the two years.

"I need more time. What she did to me was painful, Bonnie. I just can't forgive her now.", I told her.

"But, you will forgive her, right?", she asked and I sighed. "Promise me you will.", she forced me too.

"Yes, Bonnie, I will.", I told her.

"Promise?", she asked again.

"Yes, promise.", I told her, a bit annoyed by her questions. I held out my pinkie and I smiled at her. We shook our pinkies and we had a pinkie promise. It seems childish, yes, but it's still a way to promise.

But when I saw Rence kiss her hand, I got uncomfortable. She had never been in love and I got the feeling that when she blushed, she had feelings for Rence. I'm fine with Rence, even though he could be a bit childish, he's still my good friend but there's this deep feeling I felt inside. I didn't want her to fall in love, she might just end up like me.

When I saw that romantic scene, I unconsciously swore in French. Good thing no one heard though, if someone did, it won't be nice.

Now, that I think about it, it had been two years. I still won't forgive her now, I need more time, I told myself. You can't forgive someone who rejected you at the altar that quick. I took another sip and sighed again. I closed my eyes to rest my weary self.

"Are you feeling alright, Mr. Intellus?", someone asked me.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Elsea standing in front of me. "I'm fine, thank you Elsea.", I told her in a monotone. I won't let her see my irritation and uncomfortable side.

She raised her left brow at me. She didn't believe me. "You did not look nonchalant at class a while ago and there is tension in your voice. Are you alright Sir?" I didn't answer her.

She's good, I told myself, but how did she know? She tried to guess, "Is it because of that beautiful woman at the restaurant yesterday?" I was taken a back. Does she know her?, I asked myself. I tried to keep my surprise to myself but my eyes widened as I looked at her intently.

"What woman?", I asked her, in the calmest voice I could do at that time.

She smiled ever so innocently, "Oh please, Mr. Intellus, there is tension in your voice." Then she sat down, "And, I saw you yesterday at the restaurant."

"You did?", I asked her. She nodded. "Why were you there?"

"I had dinner with someone yesterday. It just happened that we ate at the same restaurant in the city below this school.", she explained.

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