I'm Fine

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"It's about a daughter and son of the earth. The daughter represents the trees, the grass, the ocean. Basically all that's natural. And her brother, he represents humans, industry, intelligence, really anything to do with bad." Nice wording, I mocked myself. "He resents his mother and sister for treating him badly, so he put a spell on his sister that trapped her in ice. But he did the spell wrong and she was aware for 3000 years. I want to have her..." I searched for the word, and the right way to word it. "Go insane from loneliness and boredom."

Greer listened with intent. It was nice, having someone listen. His chocolate brown eyes were locked on me. He was sitting on the edge of my bed, one leg crossed on the bed, and the other dropping over the side. I noticed his red hair was ruffled, I had the urge to fix it, but resisted.

"Wow. You have a beautiful mind." He seemed to be searching me. I didn't know what for. I could feel my cheeks get warm.

"T-thank you." I stuttered. He threw his head back with laughter.

Glad I amuse you. I pouted.

"So sorry. It's just so adorable when you blush. Yeah I face turns red as a-"

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." I threatened. He threw his hands up. His scared face slowly gave way to a brilliant smile which made smile a bit in return. He gasped, who he's scared me.

"Look at the time! You should probably sleep." He said dramatically.

"You should go to sleep." I huffed under my breathe. He just gave me a stern look and a purses lip. I rolled my eyes as I slid into bed.

"Goodnight Ever. Dream well." His soothing voice killed.

"What an odd way of saying that." I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep. I was so tired that I almost didn't turn off my lamp next to my bed. I groaned as I leaned up on my elbow and turned off that darned pink lamp.
"Ever! It is almost 7! Don't you have school today?" My fathers gruff voice cut through any nightmare I might have been having.

I felt a firm hands shake my legs as I moaned at the attacker to stop. I pried my eyes open to see me father, all 6'1" of him. His deep eyes were almost black and reminded me of demons eyes. His dark brown hair was peppered, reflecting his age. The part I hated most, the absolute worst part was his strength. It made me feel weak. I mean, I knew I was, but I hated being reminded of it. His tight black shirt only made his muscles look bigger.

"I'm up. I'm up." I said groggily as I rolled out of bed.

"Good. I'm getting sick of waking you up. Next time, you can just be late for school." He said harshly. Why did he hate me so much?

I mumbled a response and waited for him to leave the room. With a satisfying click of my door I was out of my bed, scrambling to get ready.

"Geez, talk about steroids." Greers voice chimed in behind me. I threw a pillow at him, which he dodged.

"Don't look you pervert." I hissed quietly, hoping my father wasn't anywhere near.

"Excuse you. I am a gentleman. And the only perverted things a gentleman does is-"

"Gentleman can so be perverts. And I wouldn't call you a gentleman." I rolled my eyes as I squeezed into my jeans. How in the world was I gaining weight. Like I needed any more. At least Greer turned around.

"I am such a gentleman!" He wined. I chuckled a bit as I finished putting my shirt on. Greer mumbled something under his breath, but I just ignored it.

I wish you could interact with this world. I'd have you grab me a brush.

"That is precisely the reason I'm glad I can't interact with this world." She sneered.

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