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"Do you know just how annoying my hair is. Please." I was holding out my hand to him. And yes, begging, I was begging, for my hair tie back. I could tell he was enjoying it too. "Fine. I don't even want it any more." I dropped my arm and turned my back and slid down on the bars. I knew the floor was gross, but I didn't want to keep standing.

I heard a shuffling noise. It stopped so I ignored it. Then I felt like someone was behind me. There was a slight tug at my head, so I turned around. Artimis was behind me.

He wasn't touching me, but my hair was practically trying to jump off my head to him. They may be a hyperbole, but it was still trying to reach him. He held out his hand to it and my hair began to wrap around his extended fingers.

It just hit me how long it's been since I've showered. My hair bust be pretty gross by now. Suddenly he pulled back and took a shaky breath. He reached for something and pulled out my hair tie. He threw it at me, not daring to come near. I caught it, but I watched him as he went back to his guard post outside my cell.

How much strength do you have Anguish?

A lot! The pup said boastfully.

Enough to break these bars? I could transform, break the bars, and go get Greer.

Yeah! I didn't know if the pup was just saying that, but it was worth a try.

Alright, Anguish, I summon you!

"What are you-" Artimis began to say something, but the silver light droned it out.

Once transformed, I looked at Artimis. He looked bewildered.

"Every time we I see you, you just keep getting weirder and weirder." I smirked.

I pounced at the bars and began to pry with all my strength. They didn't budge. I tried harder, which resulted in them bowing slightly. Artimis was quick to act, drawing his sword and pushing me back.

I jumped back to avoid being stabbed. He was ready for me to jump on the bars again. So, to change it up, I proudly strutted forward and dared him to thrust his sword at me.

He seemed confused by my sudden boldness, but he still thrusted his sword at me. I held up my hand and reached for the dragons blood.

Heat flowed through me and siphoned out of my hand, directed at the blade. The blade, unable to withstand the amount of heat coming out forth from my hand, melted before it touched me. I smacked my hand to my head.

I could have just melted the bars of the prison instead of transforming.

"Oh well." I quickly melted the bars and got through them. But Artimis wasn't done yet. He was going to go hand to hand with me.

I bolted down the corridor, not wanting to take Aritmis on. I mustered all the speed I could in my wolf form. I took a left, then a right.

I heard some woops and hollers from some of the other prisoners. Some were pleading I take them with me. But I just kept running. I passed by some stationed guards. Who were clearly startled by the part wolf girl running past them.

Was this the way I was supposed to go? I reached out to Greer with my mind, but I couldn't tell if he heard me.

I kept running. I was lost. I had passed by my melted cell at least twice now. I had gained some solid ground on the guards, but this didn't give me much time. I took a right instead of a left to see where that would take me. I came to a dead end, and had to turn around and run towards the enemy, making me loose time.

I could hear multiple footsteps behind me now as I turned another corner. And as I turned this corner, I ran straight into something. Oh no, they had caught me. I began to struggle in the persons arms.

"Well there you are. Take you long enough." A familiar voice said to me. I stopped struggling.

I was relieved to see Greer, unharmed. I saw a split above his brow, so, mostly unharmed. I could see his amused grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah yeah, just get is out of here." I practically jumped into Greers arms.


"Please." I sounded like a whining little kid. He still wasn't picking me up so we could fly out of here.

"Ok. And if you really wanted to be picked up by me, you just had to say so." He gave me a playful smirk.

"Oh please, we're married, remember." I held up my flower ring on my hand.

I glanced down at his hand to find the flower ring no longer there. I put my hand to my chest dramatically.

"I-I" sniffle, "I guess you don't love me anymore." Another sniffle for dramatic effect. We were flying quickly out of the castle. Everything was a blur. I made me feel slightly woozy.

"That jerk Knight took it. I'm sorry my love. I'll get you a dozen flowers in apologies." He said sweetly.

"You better buddy." I picked his chest. He laughed at me.

Then we were going up. I was feeling sick. I've never flown this fast. I was getting a bit of motion sickness.

We stopped. We were flying high above the castle now. Observing it's splendor as the sun kissed the horizon. I felt like I was going to throw up. I tried to hold it in, and I was pretty successful. But once the feeling of getting sick passed, my head fell against Greers chest. Then everything turned black.

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