Sleepy Greer

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As the great dragon disappeared I noticed that the cave went from a sparkly hue, to a golden one. Furniture seemed to appear out of no where. A large green couch appeared by the cave wall and two single green chairs were placed opposite of it.

"Gold and green. Classy." I mumbled.

"Grandpa likes to live in the lap of luxury when in his human form. He's a bit narcissistic with the gold and green though." A rumbling sound resonated though the cave, making me jump.

"What was that?" I whispered harshly.

"Probably just the humans and their wars. Although I didn't think they'd be so close to here." He scratched his chin in thought. I walked over to the single chair and flopped onto it with a solid "oof." It was super comfortable; I sank in further with a satisfying grumble.

"Are the humans like the humans in my world?" I asked from my comfortable chair.

"More medieval, but generally. Some are born with magic though, unlike yours." His head was back and he sounded like he was about to fall asleep. I let him sleep. He was probably exhausted from bringing me here.

"Thank you." I whispered in his direction as the snores deepened.

I got up and started to wander around the lair. I ran my hands along the walls, they sprang to life at my touch. Swirling with beautiful patterns of shimmering gold as it ran up the wall, then began to fade.

I wandered over to the bookshelf along the wall. It was filled with ancient, dusty, books. They were in some strange language that I couldn't even pronounce. Different sized bottles lined the top of the shelf. I've was short and skinny, filled with a purple liquid. Another was tall and skinny and was filled with a yellow liquid and blue dots. Another was short and fat, with a narrow mouth. It was filled with black liquid. I stared at it as a deeper, darker black swirled in dangerous patterns. It was so enchanting

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." I jumped with a Yelp as Maragreth appeared behind me.

"Why would you do that?!" I whispered angrily, considering Greer was still asleep.

"Well don't touch it." He said matter-of-factly.

"I wasn't going to." I stated rudely.

"Oh? Then why is your hand so close to it then?" He smirked.

I glanced at me hand to find it only a few inches from the glass.

"Whaaaa?" I pulled my hand away quickly.

"It's enchanting. That is why I scared you. So that you were pulled away from it." He cleared his thought and went over to the sleeping Greer. He looked down at his grandson. A look of sadness washed over his features, making him age within milliseconds.

He took a deep sigh and snapped his fingers. A blanket flew off of the other side of the couch and covered Greer in its fluffy green fabric.

"Here my dear. This is dragons blood. It will allow you to use some of mine, and Greers power. But I must advise that you try not to use it too much. Magic can be unpredictable and can cause severe backlashes if too much is used at once, especially since you are untrained." He approached me with a vile of dark red, really dark, almost black, blood.

"Thanks." I grumbled. Looks appetizing.

"I assure you it won't taste bad. In fact, it should taste like something you like. Call it the magical properties and whatnot." He laughed at my disgusted face.

"Here's to nothing." I took it like a shot. The carbonation I tasted didn't burn my throat like any normal soda. It tasted like coke-a-cola. My body instantly started to rise in temperature and my hair seemed to be unaffected be gravity as it whipped around my head. Smacking my eyes might I add.

"Traitor." I mumbled to my hair. My hair floated back down, but still seemed to have a mind of its own. Every so often it would just move and float about a bit.

"Um, what is wrong with my hair?" I asked with concern. Maragreth looked at me with a glint in his eye.

"Dragons blood effects everyone differently. For you I believe it makes you hair...floatable. Weightless, if you will. It makes Greer able to float around. Although dragons can fly, it just enhances his ability I'd say." He crossed his legs as he sat in one of the twin chairs. He brought his spotted hands together and rested his head on them as he just looked at me.

"What?" I barked. A piece of hair flew around my neck, making it itchy.

"You'll take good care of my grandson, won't you? He is a free spirt, like his mother, and grandmother before him. He is my only family." His eyes fell on the sleeping frame of Greer. He seemed to soften toward the boy. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy for his love.

"I will do everything I can. I mean, you know him. It may be hard to get him out of his sticky situations." I laughed a bit and sat next to Greer on the large couch. His arms were spread out on the back of the couch and his head was thrown back. That can't be good for his neck.

I gently moved him so that his body would crumple into a more comfortable position. He ended up just crumpling into my lap. Fabulous.

At least he's more comfortable. And he's not snoring, that's a good sign...

"I suppose you are right. I have decided to trust you. Dragons have a keen ability to tell ones intentions. I can not see any ill will toward my grandson. But please, he is not of any true species. He is a little mix of everything, therefore he does not fit in anywhere. They reject him. Please, accept him. For I fear you are the only friend that he will ever have." He hadn't taken his eyes off of Greer since he began talking. But now he looked dead into my eyes, with his yellow dragon eyes. He was quite intimidating if he wanted to be.

"He's my only friend." I broke eye contact with him and glanced down at the sleepy Greer. He breathed out a bit funny as he curled up more into a ball, submerging more of himself under the fluffy green blanket, and threw his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my belly.

"Now I have a Greer attached to my hip." I tried to grumble sarcastically, but laughed as I said it. I reached out and touched the blanket. It was the softest blanket I had ever felt. I could stop playing with it.

My hair rudely snaked me in the face. I huffed and blew it away. It played at my shoulders before retreating to the back. I eyeballed it suspiciously.

"Stay as long as you like. But when you leave, know that I will be expecting you to visit. Make sure he knows that girl." He began to get up and walk away.

"Ever. My name is Ever." I stated boldly.

"Ah yes, how could I forget. Ever. Let my fool of a grandson know that he must visit me soon. Please." There was a moment of silence. And unspoken agreement. Then he left into the back folds of his came. Leaving me alone with a Sleeping Greer.

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