Reflecta Lake

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I found that I loved flying. It was so freeing. I felt safe in Greers arms. Even if I fell I knew he would catch me. The winds pulled my floating hair back slightly as we traveled. Greer wore a light grin on his face. He must have liked where we were going. I thought about school and how I've probably misses so much. I didn't care though; it was clear that no one wanted me around. That was ok. I didn't really live my life well so it was probably best that I relieved them of me. Yet sadness tugged at my heart. Did they miss me? Were they happy I was gone? I mean, I was nothing but a burden anyway. My parents were always so disappointed in me, perhaps that means that they are overjoyed with my going.

I could always ask Greer to take me back to see. As I thought that I felt my chest tighten. There was no way I was going back. I don't want to ruin this happiness I've created. I absentmindedly played with the moon pendant on my chest.

Can you see? I asked the wolf, but Greer heard me too.

I can. But I want to play. The pup whined.

I'll let you out as soon as we land. I assured the wolf.

This is just weird. Greer said through my head. I laughed at the disgusted face he was making.

"Come on. Tell me where we're going." I batted my eyes sweetly. But he wasn't even looking at me.

"Mm-mn. Be patient. We're almost there." I looked around to see if I could spot anything noticeable. There was just trees and the occasional metallic glint of the poisonous plant. Some animals I noticed, but nothing I could spot so easily. There were villages here and there but we passed over those.

The landscape became rocky and more brown. Yet we started coming to this clearing of green and even a lake. This lake was beautiful. I gasped upon seeing it.

"It's called reflecta lake. Pretty right?"

"That's the prettiest blue I've ever seen. It does kind of look like a mirror doesn't it?" I giggled a bit. Almost girlishly.

Greer took us down. It was like being in a roller coaster, butterflies in my stomach and everything. The grass was a deep green. Deeper than Greers. I even plucked some up and held it to his face to compare.

"Uh, Ever...what are you doing?" He asked.

"Comparing the shade of green if the grass to your eyes. It's darker." He just laughed at me. I pursed my lips at him.

"You're just so...detailed. What does it matter what shade the grass is. It's green." I pouted even harder and he placed a light tap on my shoulder.

"Anyway. Come on. I wanted you to see something." He brought me to the line of trees that decorated the surrounding plane of the lake.

"Yo! Guys. It's me." Greer used his hands to form a megaphone like shape with his hands. His voice bellowed throughout the lake.

"Oh Greer. You've finally brought a girl!" A high pitched voice twinkled behind me. Just then my pendant shown and the wolf pup came bounding out from behind me and running around.

"Anguish! No!" I was surrounded by tall wood looking people. By their pointed ears it seemed like they were elves. Wood elves. This is Greers family.

Anguish began chasing some of the Wood elves, causing them to scream. Their scream was so high pitched I thought that my head was about to explode.

"That enough if that." Greer had caught the pup and silenced the Wood elves. He placed my moon light colored wolf pup in my arms.

"Hey guys. This is Ever, she's human. Sort of. This is Anguish. He's a spirit guardians pup who acc-bonded with Ever. Ever, this is my tribe." He gestured to everyone surrounding me. They were beautiful. And female. Not one male.

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