Lightning bugs

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Something wet touched my face. My eyes flew open. It was dark, but yet there was lightning bugs. I looked up at the sky and saw the thousands of stars that dotted the skies. This looked like something you'd only read in fairy tales. I looked over and saw Anguish, tilting his head at me. I smiled and reached out my hand to scratch his head.

"Where's Greer Anguish?" I said quietly. My head hurt slightly.

He didn't say anything and just looked up. I followed his gaze to find Greer sitting in a tree. He was playing with a lightning bug.

He was smiling, but I could tell something was wrong. I watched him for a while. He had stopped playing with the lightning bug, he had also stopped smiling. He was now just looking at the stars. At that moment I realized how similar we were. Always gazing up at something that we know we'll never have.

I sat up and got to my feet.

"Stay here." I whispered to Anguish. He just tilted his head at me.

I started to climb the tree Greer was in. I grabbed a limp and it snapped. I slipped. I almost fell too, but Greer grabbed my hand.

"You're such a klutz." He said humorlessly.

"Sorry." I mumbled. He sat me next to him effortlessly. I didn't realize Greer had so much muscle. "Why are you sulking?" I might as well get it out of the way.

"I'm not sulking. I was just waiting for you to wake up." I looked skeptically at him. He wasn't looking at me, and he was trying not to. But I was breaking him.

After a few moments he looked at me dead in the eyes. "What?" He barked out. I didn't say anything.

"Come on Ever. Stop it. It's starting to freak me out." I didn't say anything. "I'm not sulking. I'm not. I'm just..." He trailed off. I stopped looking at him skeptically.

"You just?" I said kindly. I didn't know what was wrong.

"You know, I'm not really sure. I just." He sighed deeply. "I dropped out disguises because I was jealous. So I guess, I feel a little bad." I had to admit, I didn't think he would tell me so quickly.

"Jealous? Of what?"

"How much you wanted back in that castle. I mean, why did you want to go in there so badly? To help Bain? Or to see the prince?" He was upset.

"The prince? You seriously think that I like that pompous jerk. No, I just wanted to help Bain." I laughed slightly.

"Why did you want to help Bain so badly?" His voice was getting louder and angrier.

"I guess I really didn't. I just-" I raised my voice as well.

"So you did want to see the prince!" His eyebrows butted together and his eyes filled with anger. His eyes took on a shade of red when he was mad.

"No! I thought we were doing it so we could deliver the "hero" to her fate so we could mess with her later!" I yelled back. His face fell. "You really think I'd even like that jerk! I can't believe you! If I were to like anyone, it'd be you!" I was panting and I was angry. I was about to get down from the tree.

This fight was stupid and pointless. Now I was upset and he is upset. I about to climb down, but Greer caught my arm. It was sinking in, what I had just said. Ugh, now there was tears lining my eyes. I hated myself, and I didn't even realize I was falling for my best friend.

"Ever." My eyes are shut tightly. I wasn't going to open them. I felt him pull me close to him. I still wouldn't open my eyes. "Ever." His voice was softer now.

He pulled me into his lap. I felt his arms wrap around me. Without opening my eyes, I shoved my face into his shirt. "Ever, I'm sorry." He whispered into my hair.

I felt him tug at my hair and set it free.

"I forgive you. But geez, why don't you have any faith in me. I wouldn't do that to you." I looked at him. "I would for Artimis." I teased. He threw his head back with a laughed.

"The Knight? Seriously Ever?" He was playing with my psycho hair.

"Well, I mean, you and him both play with floating hair." I punched him lightly in the arm.

"It's hard not to; it's so soft." He ran his hand through it again.

"I don't even know how, I haven't washed it in forever."

"Probably the dragons blood. Here." He grabbed my hand and had me run my hand through his hair. I felt my eyes widen. I used both my hands to feel his soft hair. Greer wrapped his arms around my waist so I wouldn't fall off his lap. "See?" I nodded.

"What to do now." I was leaning up against Greer and staring up at the stars.

"Like you said, we mess with Bain." He said simply.

"How long have I been out?" Had she and the prince even been able to do anything yet.

"Just a few hours."

"I guess we could go check on her." I gave Greer a look.

"Or?" Greer dragged out.

"We could go an see you grandpa. Or even visit that mountain. Oh! I'd like to see the ogres." I bounced up and down gleefully.

"Well, the mountain range is home to many a creature. If you want to go, we're bound to see something magical. As for my grandpa, that's for a later day." I yawned. I was getting sleepy.

"Maybe in the morning." I closed my eyes and leaned into Greer. I could hear his heart beating though his chest. He was so warm.

"Ever?" I was dosing off and barely made a sound. If he heard it, he didn't show it.

"You asleep?" Again with the barely audible noise. "If I were to like someone, it would be you too. Sleep well." With that, I drifted off into sleep.

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