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Greer dropped me off just outside the town. All that flying had made me dizzy.

"Wait here. I'm going to grab you some new clothes." His eyes fell to my ruined dress. He was the one who ruined it might I remind you.

I sat behind a thick tree. I was dozing off when I heard fast footfalls coming from the dirt road that was not far away. I curiously inched forward to see who it was. It was a girl. She had long flowing blond hair. She was carrying something in her hand as she booked it past me. That's when I saw them. Guards. They blocked her from progressing and then from her back. She was surrounded.

I couldn't help it. I just walked right into the circle. I guess it was that mischievous side of me.

"What in the world is going on here?" I said authoritatively.

"What is this? Who are you? Out of the way!" One of the guards bellowed. His arm came out to shove me and I got angry. I reached down inside of me for the dragons blood and I felt it respond. I grabbed his armored arm and let the heat come. His armor began to melt when he pulled it back to quickly remove it.

"A sorceress. Take her to the king." Uh oh. Think fast Ever.

"No need for that I've already gone to the King. See." I ripped a hole in my dress where the brand lay. All of he guards gathered around to look at it in awe.

"I am the Kings sorceress. As well as betrothed to the Prince. So tell me now. What do you went with my assistant?" I turned my head and gave her a wink so that she would follow along. She gave me a brisk nod as she clutched tightly to the thing in her arms.

"We're so sorry your, uh, greatness. We didn't know-"

"Of course you didn't. Now leave, before I get angry." I gave them my best I'm-a-lot-stronger-than-you-so-buzz-off face. They bowed curtly and then proceeded to leave.

"Are you really the Kings sorceress?" The woman asked, eyeballing my ragged clothes and my mark.

"Technically. But I escaped. What were you doing anyway?" I raised an eyebrow at the girl. She looked a little younger than me. She had hard hazel eyes.

"I was talking back what those Knights stole. The King is such scum. He says that we are not to practice magic yet he tries to get his hands on any mages that he finds, so that he may use them in this war." Her face had gone into a sneer. I blinked in surprise at her.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just spill my guts to a complete stranger." She sighed and held her head low. I laughed at her.

"Don't apologize, you have you problems and are entitled to care about them. I have mine. So, what's that?" I asked curiously.

"An ancient magic scroll." She looked at it like it was some great piece of candy for a starving child. "It's been in my family for generations. And the Knights raided everyone's home in my village to take them. We are an ancient group of people who practice ancient magic. But-but. They're all dead now." She looked like she was holding back tears.


"The Knights. It was almost three years ago. They came in and began dragging us away and raiding out homes. They killed a lot of us. I don't know who survived." He took a deep breath.

"Thanks for saving me. But now I must be on my way." She tuned to leave but ran square into Greer.

"Didn't I tell you to stay?" He asked me sternly. I gave him an innocent smile.

He looked down at the girl. Then back to me. His eyes said 'explain'.

"I don't really know her. I just kind of helped her...escapesomeKnights." I said quickly so he wouldn't hear. But oh, he heard. His eyes grew large.

"What?! Do you know what would have happened if you were taken back to the castle? You would be imprisoned and forced to help the King, Ever." I hated it when he yelled at me.

"She was just trying to help me." The girl spoke to him. His eyes fell to her and he took in her beauty.

"And who might you be?" He asked, still in a fowl mood.

"Bain. And you?" She stuck out her hand and he griped her back.

"Greer." He said in awe. I gave him a little smirk. 

"Nice to meet you and all but I have to go. Salutations." Then she was off. Booking it on the dirt road.

"You know if you took a picture it would last longer." Greer was still staring off after her. 

"What? I wasn't. No. Just no. Stop Ever." His face was getting red. I just laughed.

He threw me some clean clothes.

"Black. Sweet." I almost stripped right then and there but I realized two things. 1. Greer was right there. And 2. I was in the middle of dirt.

I went back into the covers of the trees and changed into the clothes. The clothes were rough and itchy, but at least I had black pants and a nice black shirt. It nicely plumped up me chest, making it appear larger.

"You should have been a designer." I stated after walking out of the trees. Greer observed his work and smiled.

"I should have. Darn. Too bad I've gotten into this."

"Into what?" I laughed.

"Going into towns and messing with them." He flashed a wicked smile and grabbed my hand to go.
"You may want to put you hair up. It's less likely to draw attention that way." Greer whispered to me. I nodded curtly and began to braid my hair.

This town was quaint. It had an overwhelming smell of cows and an overall tone of brown. It was bustling with activity when we walked in. There were so many people. The sounds came flooding in and it was almost joyous. A cry if a small child. The call of some sales man. Even the smell of freshly baked bread.

"Listen people. We can't let the King do this." A familiar voice floated in. Followed by the sound of boos. I looked at Greer and we ran over to the source. Pushing past people we saw Bain standing on top of a wooden floor platform where nooses hung from. It was one of those towns.

"We can't let the king take our children, our kind, our people. Just so that he can satisfy his taste for blood. Why don't you listen?" She called almost hysteric. Some fruit went flying.

"Get down!"

"How dare you speak to the king like that!"

"Oh boy." Greer rose up and flew over to her. He didn't look like a super hero with arms out and toes pointed. He let his limbs hang lazily as he flew calmly over there. People gasped and Bain looked at Greer in shock.

"Listen people. Stop being such nincompoops and just go about your daily lives." He looked so annoyed.

"Listen fancy pants-!" Someone called

"Watch you tongue!" I barked at the person. Some eyes fell on me but I held my ground.

"Boo!" They came from everywhere. I mouthed 'go' to Greer and he nodded. He took Bain in his arms and floated towards the forest. There was still some fruit being thrown.

Meet you there.

Hurry. She's squirming. A lot. I laughed

"Now who said that?" Oops. I duct into the crown hoping they wouldn't see me.

"She 'id! She said it." A thickly accented (or just a bad speaker of the language) person called. Pointing at none other than me. I bolted. I heard yells and shouts come from behind me. I zig zagged so that nothing they threw would hit me.

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