King Banner?

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"Hey Artimis. Long time no see." I chuckled nervously. He didn't look too pleased to see us. Especially Greer.

"The King wishes to see you." He said flatly.

With a clank of his armor and a dramatic turn, the Knight was swallowed by other Knights.

"I'm starting to regret coming here." Greer said it as if he was just decided that he didn't was to buy something. I pursed my lips at him.

The Knights bound us and began marching us shamefully to the castle. People stared, some gawked, others turned their noses up, and then some, some just pitied us.

Any plans? Greer gave me a sideways glance.

Break out as soon as possible. Set up meeting first. Then abandon her? I was thinking that if we pushed her to Prince Banners arms she would take it from there and he would protect her. But, as for us, we were most likely not welcome here, so we needed to get out.

Alright. Just give me the signal for when you want to do this.

I don't even know how we're going to do this. And what signal? I was freaking out a little.

Calm down. It will work out. Trust me. And the can be the phrase, "Anguish needs to play."

Play? We play now? The childlike voice invaded my mind.

No Anguish, it's just a phrase. Don't come out until I summon you. Ok?

Ok. I could practically hear the wolf sulk. I think I also heard my heart break.

"Pst. What are we going to do?" Bain whispered.

"Don't worry. We got this all under-"

"No talking!" The guard shoved us all forward.

"Control." It came out in barely a whisper. So no one probably heard it.
"Like what you've done with the place." I stated as we walked back into the thrown room. Instead of the King sitting on the throne, it was Prince Banner himself. He had kept the gold, but replaced the purple with blue. It opened up the place more I think.

"Why thank you. I thought it opened it up." I smirked to myself. "Leave us." The guards bowed and then exited quietly. "So who is this accompanying you?" Banner got off of his throne and began gracefully, and slowly, coming down the steps.

"This is Bain. She came here to talk to you." I said simply. She was just standing there with her mouth open. I would help her, but my hands were bound.

"Where's the King?" Greer wondered.

"Fighting a foolish war." Banners face darkened and his nose wrinkled in disgust as he said that.

"Yet you changed the colors..." I sounded accusing. Like he wanted him to die.

"They're easily changed back. But enough of the color of the room." Here he came down more steps. His robes trailing behind him. "You, a sorceress who blatantly left because she didn't want to be here, shows up with another girl to help in my escapades?" He gave me a devilish smirk. "I suppose the engagement is off then." He looked so smug.

"First of all. You branded me and then expected me to obey like a dog. Secondly, I could care less about your 'escapades', I brought her here because she wants to do something against the King too. And who would be the best person to set her up with in order to do that?"

"I see."

"And yes, the engagement is off."

"You two are engaged?" Bain was baffled.

"It was more of just a term in order for her to be in less harm. Also that way no one would question if we were around each other. So yes, I called on her hand in order to protect her."

"Great speech. Now can we go?" Greer was annoyed. Quite annoyed actually.

"You two are rebels of the King. And therefore are to be imprisoned. As for, Bain was it? I can certainly use her. For she doesn't have anything to do with you." A wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Excellent. Have fun Bainy-boo. We'll leave ya to it." I gave her a smile. Her face was flat, but she nodded in gratitude.

"Artimis!" He came into the room, stone face and all. "Take the prisoners to their keep." Banner said coldly.

"Gladly." He grabbed mine and Greers arms and forcefully shoved us out.

"Ouch. Artimis! Why are you so brutal?" I squirmed in his arms.

He pushed Greer into some other Knights arms.

"Take him to the West dungeon." He looked at me. His eyes were full of rage.

"Why, you ask? Well first off, you an your friend there humiliated me. Right after I went to check and make sure you were ok."

"You and your people branded me. With a hot iron. Like cattle! And you think I'm not going to try and escape! You're fucking insane." I hissed. His expression fell.

"Did it hurt?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

"No actually. But the mark is still there." Now I was pissed.

"May...may I see?" It took me back, but I still nodded. He lifted up my shirt and looked at the mark. It had healed somewhat.

It was blistered a bit, some parts were peeling. Other than that it was clear as day what it looked like.

"I had no say in this. I hope you know." He seemed sad. I sighed. I couldn't stay mad at him.

"I know. I guess I just needed to get that off my chest." He began walking me again. "Artimis."

"What is it?" He said flatly.

"Thanks for coming and checking on me."

"You're welcome." Still flat.

"Do you hate me?" It came out before I could stop it. He stopped suddenly. I didn't want to look at him. At those brown, curious, eyes.

I felt a tug on my braid and my hair came loose. It was floating everywhere, like it was happy to be free finally. I felt him grab a piece of it and run his hand through it. I think I even heard him whisper about it being soft. Was my heart race speeding up? No, couldn't be.

"I don't. I never really did. You are annoying though." My head snapped to see him with a smirk on his face.

"Oh Artimis, if I were annoying, you'd have taken Greer." I said smugly. My pulse pounding in my ears.

"You're right. You're prettier than him." I felt my face heat up. I looked away from him. My hair flying around and smacking my in the face.

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