Back to the Castle

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"So what do nymphs do once they drag you down?" I asked Greer.

"Well they drown you for fun really. They get a real kick out of just drowning people." Greer sounded disgusted. It makes sense why.


"Anyway. We're do you think our hero is?" Greer veered away from the topic.

"Well...she could be heading back to-"

"If you say the kingdom in going to drop you."

"Don't be so dramatic. I did tell her about the prince. And if she wants to actually take action against the king she'll go to him." I stated proudly. Greer let out a sigh.

"Alright. But, we'll have to were a disguise." He compromised.


"And you'll have to not be in your wolfy state." He gave me a side smile. I looked down at my wolf state.

"Oh yeah. That would make sense."
Greer used some of his magic to alter both of our faces so that no one will recognize us. I had a sneaky suspicion that he made me look like a grandma. While he looked like the next American top model.

I told Anguish to get back in the pendant while we were there. Didn't want him being seen and then drawing attention to us. I promised to let him out once we were safely away from that place.

Entering the city I noticed the wall looked better and less damaged. The people were bustling about more and the city just seemed more alive.

"It's a lot bigger than I remember." I whispered to Greer. A few people looked at us, but ultimately we were left alone.

"Well last time you were bound and gaged." Greer said openly.

"I wasn't gaged." I picked through my memory to see if I was. I'm pretty sure...

"I know. It was a hyperbole." He chuckled. I glared at him.

"Corn! Corn for sale! Only four drakes per ear!"

"Jewls! Jewls for your sweetheart!"

Vendors were yelling at us to buy their goods left and right. I pressed closer to Greer. He threw a gloved hand over my shoulder and pressed me closer to him as well.

"Castle?" I pointed at the the castle in which I was branded and betrothed.

"Castle." Greer said begrudgingly. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach as well. But I walked on into the castle anyway; like the moron I truly was.
"Look, it's us." Greer grabbed a wanted poster and put it next to his face. He smiled as I looked at him and the poster.

"No, it's not. You're not him weirdo." His face was strikingly different than the poster now. He clicked his tongue, looked at the poster, and put it down.

"Got the chin wrong. Oh, and the eyes for yours." I took a look at my poster. My hair was messy, but it still fell elegantly at my shoulders. And my eyes were turned down more than my actual eyes were.

"I may be a mess, but I still look good." I complimented the drawing.

"Let us remember that an artist drew these. So they can make you look as good or as bad as they wished you to be." He said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes and began walking again.
"Halt. What is your business in the palace?" The armored guard boomed.

"We are looking for someone." I stated easily. It wasn't a lie.

"Who could you be looking for inside the royal palace?" The guard found the flaw in my plan.

"Er...the prince. Prince..." What was his name again? "B-b-bane. No." I searched for the name.

"If you're referring to Prince Banner then you must set up an audience with him." The guard was annoyed now. Probably the whole forgetting their princes name thing.

"Banner. That's it!" It clicked now.

"Forgetting your own betrothed's name. Harsh." Greer whispered in my ear.

"After what I did I wouldn't be surprised if it was all off." I whispered back. I flashed the guard a smile and left.

"Ok. Why don't we just fly up to his room?" Why hadn't I thought of this before?

"Hmm. Yes. And which room is his?" He mocked. I glared at him. I didn't know.

"Ok. New plan. We sneak in and sneak around until we find him?" I said weakly. I gave him a tight smile.

"And if we're caught?" Why was he questioning everything? I let out an annoyed huff of air.

"You know," Greer put and arm around me and pulled me closer. "We could just ask Bain ourselves." I scoffed at him.

"Right. Let's just waltz over and-" he turned my head to find Bain at a shop. My eyes practically budged out of my head. She was just here!

"S-she...I-is." More stutters.

I practically ran up to this girl and threw my arms around her. But, I controlled myself because I looked different. So I stopped running and sauntered over.

"Lovely piece." I said to her.

"It is. But it's fake and overpriced." She left. The woman yelled at the back of Bains head.

"How did you tell?" I ran behind her, Greer at my heels.

"Why are you following me?" She said harshly.

"Someones snappy. Don't you recognize us?" I gave her the puppy eyes.

"No." She said flatly. She kept waking away.

"Greer-" she turned around abruptly, causing me to crash into her.

"What about Greer?" She was still harsh.

"Well if you'd let me finish. Greer, can you make out disguises shimmer so she can see us?" I asked the man behind me. He gave me a wink and I could see him. Grassy green eyes, red hair, mischievous face and all.

"You guys are...Greer and Ever?" She seemed less harsh now.

"Finally! God. Now why exactly are you here?" I threw my arm around her and brought her close. A lot of arms going on here.

"I-I took your advice. I'm going to talk to the prince." She sounded determined.

"You couldn't get in, could ya?" Greer asked with a slight grin.

"No." She said slowly. Averting her eyes form us in shame.

"We couldn't either. What do you say Greer. Help her?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Alright." And just like that. Our disguises fell.

"I didn't mean like that moron!"

It didn't even take the guards a minute to spot us. And in a minute, we were all surrounded.

"Haha, oops." He gave me an innocent smile.

"Hello Ever. Elf." And out came the smooth talker himself. Artimis.

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