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         "I shall never be influenced by any consideration but one. Is it the truth as I know it or better still, feel it."
                       ~Eugene O'Neill
Greer marched into the cave. I was a bit frightened at how angry he was, but at the same time I giggled a bit. He stomped on in, and I followed him blindly, literally. I couldn't see a thing.

"Uh, a little light?" I felt so mousey, I hated it.

Torches along the wall flickered to life at my words. The rock may have been dark, but with the glow of the torches, they sparkled. It was like something out of a fairy tail. I wondered at the beauty of it, until I heard Greers voice.

"Yo! Old man? Come on. I have to speak with you!" He was trying to wake something up. It baffles me a bit how easily he can slip slang into his almost perfectly formed sentences. He sounded

Tots jelly of that.

I snickered at myself as I waked further down the long cave way.

I stepped into a large area. The ceiling of the cave had to be almost 30 feet high, the torch light didn't even reach it. It was vast, and...empty. Except for a large sleeping mass in the corner. Greer was standing next to it.

It was large. Large enough to easily see the top of the cave. But it was draped in shadow. All I could really see was the large outline of the beasts wings.

The beast began to stir. I stepped back a bit.

"Ah, Greer, you've finally come. Although you could have come when I wan not in the middle of my nap." An old soothing voice rumbled out of the beast. The last part was more of a grumble out of annoyance more than anything.

As if like magic, all the torches that had gone unnoticed sprung to life. The dragon was perfectly lit so that I, a total nerd for dragons and shit, almost squealed.

His coloring was that of yellow and green. The scales looked so smooth that if one fell off you could easily skip it across a lake a few times. (I say fell, because you probably couldn't rip those things out, like physically inept, as well as a pissed dragon was going to eat you if you tried.) The spikes that came out of his head was just liked I'd imagined the any other dragon. His face though, it resembled an old mans, it had a certain kindness to it, as well as a hard, stoic, tone to it.

A whip like tail began to unfold out of under the dragon as he went to stand. I just marveled at the creature.

I will not geek out. I will not geek out. I had to repeat in my head if I were going to stay calm.

"Eh yo grandpa," Greer sounded like that lady off of 'Meet the Robinsons,' what was her name again...?

"This is Ever. I brought her here from the human universe." His grandpas face turned sour.

"That was very foolish of you. Do you know what could happen to a human in this world, especially as fragile as they are?"

"Aren't there humans here?" I said with surprising boldness.

"Hm...yes. There are, but not like you'd expect. They are hard. Born in a tuff world, raised to know fear, hatred, hard work. Have you any of these traits young one?" The dragon sneered. I didn't like his attitude.

"I honestly don't know. How could I know? It's not like I was analyzing my life. I may have been raised hard, I may know fear and hatred and hard work. But who are you to judge me, sir?" I spat. The dragon just inclined his head at me.

"Sir? Well. I suppose I don't know your circumstances. I can only assume my grandson would only bring you here if he felt you worthy." His voice softened towards me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

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