Chapter One

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"Come on Haz, it will be fun!" My best friend, Ashton, encourages. He is currently trying to get me to go to a party with him and his mate, Luke. No offense to them, but last time I went somewhere with them and Ashton claimed 'it would be fun' I ended up sitting in the backseat of the car while they practically dry humped each other. Excuse me if I'm not ecstatic to go somewhere with them again.

"Just like Disneyland, hm?" I question, eyebrows raised. Ashton's cheeks turn scarlet and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry about that. It's just so hard to keep my hands off of my Alpha," Ashton mutters sheepishly. Yes Luke is Ashton's Alpha mate, Ashton being an omega himself. Ashton and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. He met Luke about 2 years ago at McDonald's. Everything after that is history.

"It's fine," I sigh. "I understand."

"But please come tonight? I promise Luke and I will tone it down," Ashton begged, literally getting on his knees and giving me puppy dog eyes.

I groan, throwing my head back. "Fine! I'll come to the party. But only for an hour. I just hope they aren't there." By they I mean Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn. AKA the cruelest werewolves around. They recently came to London. I heard they're looking for their last mate. They don't know if the mate will be Alpha, Omega, vampire, or human. I'm guessing they're probably hoping for an alpha so they can be even more powerful. I don't know what they look like honestly. I've heard they are extremely gorgeous, that they are completely hideous, and that they all have warts. I'm assuming the last two are false considering I have yet to meet one ugly werewolf or vampire.

I know that there is about a -50% chance of me being their mate, but honestly if I can I'd like to never meet them.

Ashton snorts, "I doubt they will be. Stick by Luke and I just incase though."

"I don't want to ruin the party for you guys."

"Harry, I already wanted you to stay with us. If I thought that would ruin my night, I wouldn't have just literally begged on my knees for you to come with us." Ashton tells me, giggling.

"And Luke is okay with this?" I question. Luke is actually a pretty nice dude. I'm glad Ashton got him.

"Duh," Ashton says, before pulling me into the closet.

About two hours later we emerge from the closet. I'm now clad in black skinny jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and some red vans. Simple, but effective.

A knock sounds throughout the house. Luke is here. Ashton quickly runs his fingers through my curls, making them messy.

"Hey!" I whine. I hate people touching my hair. Ashton just rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, pulling me down the stairs and out the door where his mate awaits. I fake gag, looking away from where the two are now making out. I'm already regretting this.

"Let's go," Ashton cheers, holding Luke's hand, but looping his arm with mine. Partly so I won't get lost, partly so I won't feel left out. However when we get close to the house, both Ashton and Luke pause, their eyes flickering to me momentarily.

"What?" I ask, but they just shake their heads. Luke unlocks his and Ashton's hands long enough to take off his sweater and hand to me. I take it, giving him a confused look.

"Please don't question me right now. Just trust me and put it on," Luke pleads with me. I want to question him, but I'll save it for later. For now I slip on his sweater and the three of us walk into the house, Luke grabbing Ashton's hand again.

A few minutes later we're all standing near the dance floor, which is completely full of sweaty bodies grinding on each other. Ashton and Luke stay by me, but I can see them casting longing glances at the dance floor. And who am I to deny them their fun?

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