Chapter Twenty Seven

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Smut, aye. Almost 3k words, wowowow. 

Niall, Louis, Troye and I head back inside to find the rest of the gang, while Zayn, Liam, and Connor take care of the body.

We find them still grinding against each other on the dance floor.

"Luke," Louis yells over the music, tapping him on the shoulder.

He stops dancing and turn around, confused. "Yes?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"We need to leave." Niall says, his voice firm, which is exactly what gets Luke to get his mates and leave with us, no questions asked. The lot of us pile into the one of the cars (very illegal but), with two people in the front and the other six in the back. It ends up Louis driving with Niall in the passenger seat, Troye on my lap, Calum on Ashton's, and Michael on Luke's.

"Alright so does someone want to tell us what the hell just happened back there?" Ashton asks when he realizes no one is going to say anything.

"Nick was there." Louis explains simply.

"Oh." Ashton replies, swallowing. 

"Where's Zayn, Liam, and Connor then?" Luke asks. 

"Um," Louis and Niall share a look. 

"Harry?" Luke turns to me. 

"Uh, taking care of Blakely?" I say, sounding much like I'm asking. 

"Who's Blakely?" Michael asks, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"One of Nick's wingmen. Well was, anyways." Louis explains, smirking a bit, making Niall and I smack him on the arm. "Ouch," He groans. "Don't hit the driver. I could have wrecked the car, and the only thing I want to wreck is Harry." 

"Not now, Lewis." I sigh. Louis pouts. 

Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton all raise their eyebrows, but don't comment anymore. 

We pull into the driveway and park, everyone climbing out of the car and heading inside. Everyone but Louis, Niall, Troye and I head to the rooms. "Hey, Tro? Are you okay?" I ask, after seeing his face. 

"I don't know what to believe." He whimpers, wrapping his arms around himself like he's holding himself together. 

"C'mere." I hold my arms open for him. He quickly launches himself at me, burying his head in my neck. 

"Troye, hun, I honestly don't know what to tell you about Connor, whether to believe him or not. But I know Liam and Zayn are going to bring him back with them and we'll help figure it out, okay?" Niall soothes, rubbing Troye's back. 

Troye pulls back and nods, sniffling. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." 

"I think I'm gonna go lay down until they get back." Troye tells us, giving a weak smile, before he turns and heads to his room. 

"C'mon, love." Louis says, holding his hand out for me to take, which I do, and he, along with Niall, leads me to the room and over to the bed. 

"You alright, sweetheart?" Niall asks me, opening his arms for me to cuddle into his side. Louis lays down on the other side of Niall, looking at me. 

"Liam killed him," is all I'm able to say. 

"He didn't have a choice, lovely." Louis tells me, softly. He reaches over Niall to run his fingers through my hair. 

"I know, it's just weird actually seeing it happen." I mumble, sighing. 

"I know, Haz. We all know. None of us wanted you to see that." Louis sighs as well, his sounding sad. 

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