Chapter Fifteen

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I make my way down the stairs, walking in the kitchen and seeing Zayn leaning against the counter, face upset. He looks up when he hears me walk in, forcing a smile on his face. "What are you doing down here love?"

"What's wrong, Z?" I ask instead of answering his question.

"Nothing." He shrugs, turning and opening a cabinet, rummaging through it. I sigh, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his back. "Did I do something?" I ask.

Zayn turns in my arms, kissing my forehead. "'Course not, love. My alphaness is just starting to act up a bit." He gives me a weak smile.

My eyebrows knit together. "Was it because we were cuddling?"

"No," Zayn shakes his head. "I can live with that."

"Then what was it?"

Zayn sighs, fiddling with the bottom of my t-shirt. "I-" He shakes his head, burying it in the crook of my neck. "It's stupid and you'll either laugh at me, or think I'm annoying and that I get to jealous to easily and want nothing to do with me."

"That's not true, Zayn." I gently push him back a bit so I can look in his eyes. "Neither one of those things are true. Whatever's bothering you isn't stupid and I would never laugh at you or think you're annoying because of it. I want to know what it is so I can fix it."

He sighs again. "I just... I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do, it's just... you've kissed the other three during their alone time with you and... a-are you not attracted to me like y-you are them?"

I stare at him, shocked. "God no, I'm attracted to all of you guys equally. I'm so sorry, Z, I didn't even realize." Guilt fills me to the brim. I lean up on my tiptoes, moving my arms from his waist to his neck.

Zayn shakes his head, leaning back a bit. "I don't want you to kiss me because you feel bad for me."

"I'm not." I protest. He gives me a look. "I'm not though, I promise. I just wasn't thinking. I do want to kiss you."

"Let's just wait a bit, yeah? I don't really want our first kiss to be after I whined about being jealous about it." Zayn chuckles.

I pout, but nod. "Cuddle time?"

"Cuddle time." Zayn grabs my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen and back upstairs. He opens the door and Niall, Liam, and Louis all fall forward.

"Hello," They say in unison, grinning up at us in faux innocence.

"What the bloody hell were you guys doing?" Zayn asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Uh," They all look at each other. Louis speaks up, "We were... Looking for something!"

"Like your dignity?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Zayn laughs, holding his hand up for a high five, which I give him, smirking.

Louis growls playfully, jumping up and pouncing on me, careful to steady us so we don't fall. "You seem to be getting very sassy."

"I guess you're rubbing off on me." I shrug.

"I wish I was rubbing off on you."

"What?" I gasp, looking at him shocked.

"Louis." The other three hiss, Niall face palming.

"Too far?" Louis questions, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

I laugh slightly. "Nah, just surprised me is all."

Louis smiles at me, eyes crinkling, before turning and sticking his tongue out at the other boys.

"Mature," I roll my eyes playfully, pushing Louis back in the room. The other three trail behind us, all five of us collapsing on the bed.

"You know, I actually am getting kind of hungry." Niall says, rubbing his chin.

We all chuckle. "'Course you are, Ni." Liam says.

Niall flops over on his side, staring at Liam indignantly. "What are you still doing here instead of in the kitchen making me a sandwich?"

Liam raises his eyebrows at Niall. "Go make your own sandwich."

"Why should I-"

I interrupt the two alphas, laughing slightly. "I'll go make you sandwich, Ni. What kind do you want?"

Niall grins and cuddles up in my side, wrapping his arm around my waist and squeezing. "See this is why you're my absolute favoritest person in the world. Peanut butter and jelly please."

I raise my eyebrows at the blond, grinning and pulling away from him to stand up. "Favoritest isn't a word."

"You dare challenge me, peasant?"

"No, your Highness." I bow jokingly, hearing my Alphas laugh. I grin at them before leaving the room and going to the kitchen. I grab a paper plate and place it on the counter, and then take out two slices of bread, getting the peanut butter from the cabinet and the jelly from the fridge. I grab a butter knife from the drawer and take the lid off the peanut butter, about to scoop some up when I hear the sound of glass breaking from my right. I let out a small scream, accidentally dropping the butter knife in shock, and glance over, seeing the window right above the sink smashed to pieces, some of which is in the sink. A big rock lays on the ground surrounded by pieces of glass.

Six pairs of footsteps sound, rushing down the stairs. I turn my head just in time to see my alphas and my two best friends rush in.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asks, as everyone takes on the scene before them. Ashton takes a step forward, but Luke quickly grabs his arm, stopping him.

"I'm fine," I mumble, still shocked. Niall practically runs forward, carefully stepping around the glass, and picks me up, bringing me to the entrance of the kitchen where the rest stand. Ashton latches on to me as soon as my feet touch the carpeted floor.

"What happened, love?" Niall asks, running his fingers through my hair. The other three crowd in, touching me, but thankfully not getting mad at Ashton. Luke's rubbing Ashton's back.

"I was making your sandwich when I heard the sound of glass breaking. It scared me so I screamed. And then I looked over and I saw the window smashed and a rock on the ground." I explain, glancing back at the window.

Zayn kisses my cheek and pulls away from the cluster, walking over to the rock. He picks it up, examining it carefully. "There's no note or anything." He murmurs after a minute, still turning the rock in his hand.

Louis furrows his eyebrows. "So whoever did it just wanted to break the window and scare us?"

Zayn looks up, eyes dark. "Whoever did it wanted to hurt whoever was standing in front of it."

Y'all imma be 18 Friday 🎉
QOTC: who's your favorite guy on PLL?
It used to be Ezra, but idk I like Jason now
Vote and comment :)
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