Chapter Nineteen

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"Have you guys even talked?" Zayn asks me. We're all cuddled together on the bed in the room we're staying in, Troye asleep in another guest room. Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton decided they wanted to something together a little bit ago, so it's just us six in the house.

I shake my head in answer. "Not really, aside from what you guys heard in the kitchen."

"I wonder why he was in the alley." Louis murmurs, rubbing his hand on his chin.

"I don't know, but I'm not gonna ask him. I'm going to wait and let him tell me on his own time." I tell them, curling more into Niall. He smiles down at me, kissing my forehead.

"That's a good idea, love. Hopefully he'll become more comfortable around us when he realizes we aren't going to hurt him." Liam says from his spot cuddled against Zayn. Louis' in the middle, between me and Zayn.

"I think in a way he already has, he's just scared." Niall speaks up. Everyone goes silent after that. I'm almost asleep when a scream breaks through the silence. Troye. All five of us jump out of bed and I go to run towards the guestroom, when l
Liam catches me by the waist and sets me back on the bed.

"Stay here, please." He pleads, staring at me with his big, brown eyes.

"Why?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" Louis echoes. "Troye will react better to him than us."

"Yes, but I don't want to risk him getting hurt in case the reason Troye screamed is the same reason we left our house," Liam replies.

"Whatever I'll stay, just go check on Troye!" I all but yell, ushering them out of the room.

"I'm going to stay with him," Niall tells the others, who nod, and grabs my hand, sitting down beside me.

"Do you think he's okay?" I ask him, biting my lip and running a hand through my curls.

Niall nods. "It's probably just a bad dream honestly."

I nod as well, looking down at my hands and fiddling with the bottom of my dark grey shirt. A few minutes later Zayn walks back in the room, a shivering Troye beside him. I immediately stand up and walk to him, wrapping my arms around him. He grips onto my shirt, laying his head on my shoulder. A whimper escapes his mouth.

"Where are Louis and Liam?" Niall asks from beside me.

"Outside," Zayn answers. His eyes flicker to Troye and I and back to Niall. He tilts his head to the side slightly, silently telling Niall to step outside the door with him.

"We'll be right back, darling." Niall tells me, giving me a smile, and then the two of them are walking out. I frown, but shake it off, walking backwards til the backs of my knees hit the bed, sitting down and pulling Troye beside me.

"What happened, Tro?" I ask the boy softly.

"A guy was in my room." He whimpers out, his body shaking. I tense up, but he continues speaking before I can say something. "I couldn't smell him though. Like he had no scent. He was standing at the end of my bed when I woke up, that's when I screamed, but he was staring at me funny. And then three of your mates ran in and he jumped out of the window. The other two went off after him, but him- Zen?- brought me back here," Troye explains.

Despite the situation, I have to laugh at the mispronounciation of Zayn's name. "It's Zayn."

"Oh," Troye frowns, then shrugs. "Either way."

Niall and Zayn walk back in the room, cutting off our conversation. They both give me smiles, like nothings happened. "Are you guys hungry? Because I'm hungry," Niall says, grinning.

"I'm kind of hungry too, actually." Troye mumbles.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I ask, already standing up from the bed.

"I was thinking Pizza actually." Niall says. Troye nods in agreement.

"Pizza sounds really good actually." Zayn speaks up.

"What kind do you guys want?" Niall asks Troye and I, already typing in the number for the pizza place on his phone.

"Pepperoni!" We both say in sync, grinning at each other afterwards. Niall gives us a thumbs up and holds the phone to his ear, ordering 2 Pepperoni pizzas and 2 cheese pizzas. He hangs up after they promise to have it here in 30 minutes.

"Did we really need 4 pizzas?" I ask, as the four of us walk downstairs.

"There's 10 boys, love. If anything I should've ordered more." Niall says, grabbing my hand and falling down on the couch, me ending up in his lap. Zayn sits beside us and Troye sits in the recliner.

"Yeah, especially when you eat 2 of the pizzas yourself." Zayn shoots out, smirking at the pout on Niall's face.

"I'm a growing boy, okay? Stop nagging me," Niall glares at Zayn. We laugh, Troye surprisingly joining in. The front door opens and Liam and Louis appear a minute later, faces disappointed.

"You guys didn't find him," Zayn guesses.

"No and there's no trace of his scent anywhere." Liam sighs.

"Troye said he didn't smell a scent, like he didn't have one." I tell them. They look at me and then Troye, who nods his head shyly.

"But everyone has a scent," Louis frowns.

"Unless they covered it up with a suppressant." Zayn says.

"Great," Louis groans.

SLFL Saturdayyyyyy
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