Chapter Twenty

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All 10 of us are sitting around the living room, waiting for the pizza guy, who should be here any minute now. Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton got back from wherever they went about 20 minutes ago, right after we figured out the guy had to have used suppressants to block his smell.

"Oh my gosh where's the food? I'm starving over here," Niall exclaims, flopping on his back from his place on the floor.

"Calm down, they should be here with the pizza any minute now." Liam replies, rolling his eyes at the fake blond. 

"But I called two hours ago!" Niall groans. 

"You called 30 minutes ago." I scoff, shaking my head. 

Niall turns to face me with a pout on his face. "You're supposed to be on my side here!" 

I open my mouth to answer, but the doorbell cuts me off. Niall's eyes widen and he jumps up, running to the door, squealing. Liam sighs, standing up and following him, muttering "you need money to get the pizza" under his breath as he goes. 

"He really likes food, huh?" Troye whispers from beside me. 

On the other side of me, Louis snorts, making Troye's expression go fearful for a second before he calms down. "That's an understatement," Louis grins at him. Troye gives him a small smile in return. 

Liam and Niall come back in the living room carrying the pizzas, Niall already having a box open and a slice of pizza in his mouth. They set the boxes down on the table in the middle of the room and instantly everyone is pouncing to get a slice, even Troye. I manage to grab a piece and back out of the fight, taking a bite as I watch Michael tackle Luke to the floor to steal his pizza, causing Luke to pout. I shake my head, laughing. Zayn walks up beside me, two pieces in his hands. 

At my raised eyebrows, he says. "Well I had got two incase you didn't get one, but I can just eat it." He shrugs. 

"I'll take it," Niall says through his mouthful of food, walking over to us and reaching his free hand out for the pizza. Zayn gives him an are-you-kidding-me look and turns away from him, causing Niall to pout. 

"Harry!" Ashton shrieks, running over and jumping on me, knocking us both to the couch and causing me to drop my food. 

"Oomft," I mumble, shifting around so his weight is off my stomach. Luke walks over and plops down right on top of us, our mates laughing in the background as I groan. "Get off me, you fatasses." 

"Shut up." Ashton replies, burying his face in my neck. He shoots back up a second later, staring at me with wide eyes. "Actually I need to talk to you, come on." He stands up, grabbing my wrist and jerking me up, causing Luke to groan as he falls on the couch. I barely manage to grip Troye's arm to pull him along before Ashton's pulling me out of the room. Ashton pulls us down the hall, to what I'm assuming is Calum and Michael's room. We all plop down on the bed and Ashton gives Troye a smile when he notices how nervous the boy looks. 

"Oh, you guys haven't met, yeah? Troye, this is my best friend, Ashton. Ashton this is Troye." I introduce. 

"It's nice to meet you," Ashton greets, his smile widening. 

Troye gives a hesitant wave back. 

"Awe, he's shy." Ashton says. 

I nod and turn to Troye. "He's an omega too." 

"Are the other three your mates?" Troye asks him, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 

Ashton nods. "Luke, the blond one, is my Alpha, while Michael, the red-haired one, and Calum, the dark haired one, are my Betas. I actually just found out Michael and Calum were my mates." 

"Awe," Troye smiles slightly. 

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Ashton turns to me. "They are so sweet. We all went to the movies and then to the park for a bit just to get to know each other better." 

"I'm glad your happy." I smile at him. 

"I am," He grins. "Where did you guys go this morning?" 

I roll my eyes. "They wanted to buy my panties." 

Ashton and Troye's jaw drops and they stare at me wide eyed. "Panties?" Troye asks. 

I shrug. 

Ashton bursts out laughing, falling back on his back and holding his stomach. Troye joins him only seconds later. "A-are you w-wearing them?" Troye gasps out through his laughter. 

"No," I pout, crossing my arms over my chest. They laugh for another minute or two before they begin calming down. 

"Phew," Ashton says, standing from the bed and wiping tears from his eyes. "Well that was great. I think I'm gonna head to bed though, it's been a long day. We should all three hang out and do something together tomorrow, even if it's just a movie day like we usually do." 

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'm actually tired too," I say, yawning halfway through my sentence. 

Troye fiddles with his fingers, causing me to ask. "Tro? You okay?" 

"Y-yeah, I just.. I don't want to like bother you guys or anything." 

"You're not a bother, Troye." Ashton says, furrowing his eyebrows at him. "You're really cool and we want to hang out with you, you're our friend now." 

"Thank you." Troye says, smiling at us, and for the first time he looks genuinely happy. 

"'Course," Ashton smiles at him, then nods towards the door. "I'm gonna go see if any of them are ready for bed." 

"Me too." I say, getting off the bed. Troye gets up as well and we all walk back to the living room, everyone stopping and looking at us. 

"We're gonna head to bed." Ashton tells them. Immediately all 7 seven of them stand up and walk over to us, Michael, Calum, and Luke saying goodnight before they head back to the room we just left. 

"You gonna head to bed too?" I ask Troye as Zayn wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.  

Troye looks down at his feet and nods. 

"You okay?" Niall asks, gently placing his hand on Troye's shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly and Niall to remove his hand and apologize. 

Troye shakes his head, muttering 'It's fine'. 

"What's wrong?" I ask softly. 

Troye shakes his head again, avoiding eye contact. 

"Troye, what's wrong?" I repeat. 

He sighs after a minute. "Just kind of scared to sleep in that room again." He whispers. 

"Oh," Liam says, and everyone shares a look. "If it would make you feel more comfortable, you can sleep with us. I don't know if you'd want to though, since we'll all be there." 

Troye's head shoots up and he stares at us, astonished. "You guys would be okay with that?" When everyone nods, he looks at me. "Would you be okay with that?" 

"'Course, Tro." I tell him, opening my arms, which he walks into. We all make our way to the room we're staying in and take turns in the bathroom to get changed into our pajamas, and then Niall and I walk Troye down to the room he's staying in to get him changed in his. Then we walk back to the room. 

Troye whispers a soft, "thank you guys" as we all curl up in bed, us all smiling and telling him "no problem". 

So we fall asleep, laying Liam, Niall, Troye, Me, Louis, and Zayn. 

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