Chapter Twenty Five

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"Panties." Louis says, clapping his hands together in front of his chest. He's right in front of me, sitting up. 

I let out a groan, my head falling back and landing on his thigh, reaching my hand up and rubbing my eyes. "Seriously, Lou?" I grumble, yawning midway through. "You woke me up at-" I take a glance at the clock, my eyes widening when I see the time. "5AM for panties?" I whisper shout, not wanting to wake any of my other Alphas. 

"You never wore them," Louis pouts down at me, crossing his arms. 

"In case you haven't noticed, things are a little too crazy at the moment to be worried about panties." I reply. 

Louis' pout only deepens, looking up and away from me, his bottom lip jutting out. He looks insanely like a 4 year old who's just been told there's no more cookies. "But Harry." He whines, dragging out the 'y'.

"But Louis." I mock, causing him to glare down at me.I sigh, sitting up. "What do you want me to do?"

"Put a pair of panties on." Louis says casually, shrugging.

"It's too early for this." I groan, falling back down in his lap.

"But Harry." He whines again. "You gotta do it."

I raise my eyebrows. "Says who?"

Louis bites his lip, tilting his head to the side, thinking. Finally he just decides to plead. "Please, love. I can't stop thinking about it." He then wiggles his hips a bit, confusing me, until I feel it.

"Really?" I squeal, quickly sitting up and scooting away from him.

Louis bursts into laughter, doubling over, his hands splayed on his belly, tears coming to his eyes after a few minutes. I pout, turning away from him and laying down, cuddling into Niall. "Shut the hell up," Zayn growls out, opening his eyes long enough to glare are Louis, pressing his face into his pillow more and falling instantly back asleep.

Louis ignores him in favor of saying, "Wait, wait, come back." and a moment later I feel his arms wrapping around me, pulling me back into his chest. I close my eyes, I get comfortable, but I can't fall asleep again.

I let out a sigh, turning on my back to look a Louis, who's propped up on one arm, watching me. "I can't sleep." I pout.

"So... panties?" Louis asks with faux innocence. I roll my eyes, sighing, but climb out of the bed, walking over to the closet and grabbing the bag that holds the panties.

"Which one?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder to see him sitting at the end of the bed.

"The black lace one." He answers, biting his bottom lip.

I nod, turning back around and grabbing the one that's dark blue with a lighter blue lace trim. Then I head towards the bathroom, hearing Louis shout out a 'hey'. I give him a cheeky smile, shutting the door. I strip off my sweatpants, boxers, and Niall's shirt, glancing down unsure at the lacey material in my hand. I sigh again for what feels like the hundredth time (and it's not even 6am) and slowly slide the panties on, adjusting myself, before I look in the mirror. My eyes widen at my reflection.

The dark blue contrasts well with my milky pale skin and, as I turn around to see, it frames my bum nicely.

I hesitate only momentarily before opening up the door, Louis' eyes on me immediately. His eyes darken and he jumps up, lunging towards me, pushing me back against the wall. 

"Mine," He growls out, his tone causing me to whimper and bare my neck towards him. He leans forwards, mouthing along the skin, pressing his hips forward, his hard on digging into my thigh causing me to moan out and rut my semi against his thigh. He reaches around me and grips my hair, forcing my head back and capturing my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. 

Louis groans, moving his free hand to my hip and holding me still. I let out a whine, trying to grind forward, but his grip stops me. "Lou," I whimper. 

He pulls back, breathing heavily, staring into my eyes, his pupils blown out as he runs his hand from my hip, down my thigh and around and back up to my arse, squeezing a cheek, causing me to arch and push my now fully hard on against him. Louis leans forward, attaching his lips onto a spot behind my ear and sucking, leaving a bruise. 

He moves his other hand to grip my other arsecheek, adjusting his hips and guiding my hips to grind our erections together. 

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice says, making us break apart, cheeks flushed, chests moving rapidly, only to see Zayn sitting up, shirtless, eyebrows raised. 

I blush, quickly burying my head into the crook of Louis' neck, while he groans and flips Zayn off, causing Zayn to laugh. "Well don't let me stop you. I was enjoying the show." 

Louis shrugs and moves back to kiss me again, but I scoff, shaking my head at him, and walk back in the bathroom, sliding the sweatpants on over the panties. 

Louis' already back in the bed when I walk back out, a spot between him and Zayn with both of them holding their arms open for me. I smile, collapsing back between them and finally falling asleep, no nightmares this time. Nope, just a wet dream about what would've happened if Zayn wouldn't have interrupted. 

Narry or Lirry?
I suck at writing anything even remotely smutty, but I tried xD
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