Chapter Three

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Light kisses are being placed on various spots on my face and neck, seeming to be from all four of my Alphas.

"Come on love," Louis says from beside me, rubbing my side. I groan, rolling on to my stomach and away from them, burying my head deeper in my pillow. All four Alphas laugh.

"It's time to wake up beautiful," Zayn says this time, running his fingers through my hair.

"5 more minutes," I reply, yawning in the middle of my sentence causing the Alphas to coo at me.

"Please wake up. We want to take you out for breakfast," Niall tells me softly. That makes me sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"You guys don't have to take me out to eat, I can just make breakfast for us." I say.

"We don't want to make you cook for us," Louis says, laying his head on my lap and staring up at me, a smile on his face.

"You're not, I'm offering. Plus I love cooking," I shrug, smiling back down at him. His hair covers his face, making me just want to brush it back, play with it and feel how soft it is.

He seems to know what I want to do, "Go for it love."


"You can play with my hair."

I hesitate. He did say I can so he can't get mad at me. With that in mind, I move my hand to his hair and push it out of his eyes. Then I gently tangle my fingers in his hair. His eyes close in content. We stay like that a few minutes before Niall's stomach growl. He blushes when we look at him. I laugh slightly, gently nudging Louis from my lap. Then I stand and make my way to the kitchen, the four trailing after me like puppies.

"Good morning Haz," Ashton greets me, smiling. His smile drops when he sees my Alphas behind me. All four of them growl when they spot Luke.

I sigh, turning around and walking out. They follow me with confused expressions. Liam speaks up after a minute, "What's wrong baby?"

"I understand that you're Alphas and since I'm your mate, you're protective and don't want me around other Alphas, but Ashton is my best friend and Luke is his Alpha. You guys are gonna have to get along. They're both important to me." I tell them, watching how they react.

Zayn takes a deep breath, "I know. We're sorry, it's just instinct. I'm not gonna promise it's not going to happen again because I'm sure it will, but we will try not to. It should be easier since Luke is mated with Ashton so we know he won't go after you."

"Thank you. Now what do you want for breakfast?" I ask. They grin.

Niall speaks up, "Whatever you want to make love. We'll eat anything, me especially."

Liam jumps in, "Yeah Niall's a bit of a pig. Literally doesn't stop eating. A human vacuum, we call him."

Niall grins proudly, while I laugh. "Good. When I try cooking new things, you can help me by tasting it and telling me if its good."


We walk back in the kitchen, Ashton and Luke watching closely.

"Guys this is Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn." I introduce, pointing to each as I say their name. "And this is Ashton and Luke."

For a moment it's tense, then Liam says. "Nice to meet you."

The rest of them greet after him, Luke and Ashton returning it, making me breathe a sigh of relief. I turn to Liam and mouth 'thank you' to which he smiles and nods, kissing my cheek.

"Are you two hungry?" I ask my friends, who sheepishly nod. I laugh, knowing they can't cook to save their lives so they always wait on me unless they go out to eat. "Pancakes?" 

Everyone nods and I set out, making a mountain of pancakes. My Alphas watch every move I make. Luke and Ashton talk to each other at the table.

"So you said you love cooking. Have you always?" Liam asks curiously.

I nod, "I've loved cooking since I was a kid. My mom, sister, and I used to always bake together. Every Saturday we had a baking competition actually." My face falls. I stop talking. The boys notice.

"Are you okay babe?" Zayn asks, rubbing my back.

I nod, "Fine." 

The boys don't look like they believe me, but thankfully they seem to get I don't want to talk about it and don't continue questioning me. Instead they continue watching me cook.

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