Chapter Ten

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When I wake up the next morning, the first thing I notice is that I'm alone, the bed on each side of me being empty. The second thing I notice is the smell of burning food. I'm out of bed and down the stairs in seconds, heading to the kitchen where the smell is coming from. Inside I see my Alphas in various states of distress. Niall is sitting at the kitchen table eating some chips, but his eyes are wide. Liam has his hands over his face, shaking his head and muttering something under his breath. Zayn is pacing the floor. And Louis is holding a fire extinguisher, pointed at the stove where a pan of burnt bacon lies.

"What happened?" I ask, looking at each of my mates. They all turn to me, eyes wide.

"Oh, pumpkin. Didn't know you were awake yet." Zayn says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"We um.. We tried making you breakfast in bed for your first official day of staying here, but um, it didn't exactly work out." Liam says, blushing and looking at the floor. The other three do the same, looking at different places around the kitchen, but not at me.

I can't help but laugh. "Guys that's really sweet, but you know I love cooking. You could've just woke me up and I would've made something."

All their heads jerk up, shaking furiously. "We weren't waking you up."

"I wouldn't have minded," I say, shrugging and walking past them to the stove, grabbing the pan and dumping the burnt bacon in the trash.

"What are you doing?" Louis asks, grabbing my waist and lifting me in the air, while Liam takes the pan from my hands.

"Uh, cooking breakfast?" I say when he places me back on the floor.

"No," Niall whines. I look at him, confused.

Zayn explains, "We still want to cook you breakfast in bed, it just might be tonight before we can make a decent breakfast."

I let out a giggle, "Or I could just tell you guys what to do and you could do it so technically you're still making the breakfast."

All four look at each other for a minute, before they nod, agreeing. And that is how I found myself spending my morning explaining how to cook simple eggs and bacon.

About an hour later Luke and Ashton join us.

"Morning, losers." I greet.

Ashton rolls his eyes, smiling slightly. "Morning, geek."

"So do you guys have to work today?" I look at my mates, who's eyes widen.

"Shit," Liam says.

Ashton laughs slightly, even Luke smirks a bit. "I think that's a yes," Ashton says.

"All four of us have to this morning." Niall says, looking apologetic.

"Sorry love," Louis says.

"Don't be sorry." I tell them. "It's fine. I'll just hang out with Luke and Ashton."

"I'm really glad you're here right about now." Zayn tells Luke, both of them laughing slightly. Ashton and I stare at them, shocked.

"Nah, one of you guys would've missed work today if I wasn't here." Luke replies.

"Fair enough."

"Alright, I guess we'd better go get ready. I'm already late." Niall says, lifting Liam out of his chair by the ear and dragging him upstairs. Louis and Zayn shake their heads and follow behind, kissing my cheek quickly as they pass. The second they're upstairs, Ashton turns to me and smacks his hands on the table.

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