Chapter Twenty Two

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Double update, whaaat. Love me.

As soon as Connor's gone, Troye takes off running out of the room. Ashton and I take off after him, following him back to the room he had tried staying in. He collapses on the bed, tears falling down his face, as we quickly climb up beside him, cuddling him in the middle of us, him facing Ashton.

"Shh, love, calm down." Ashton murmurs, running his hands through Troye's hair. I run my hands in circles on his back, trying to help him calm down.

"W-what if he is my m-mate?" Troye gets out through his sobs. "He's gonna h-hurt me."

"He won't hurt you," Liam says softly from the doorway, causing Ashton and I to look up.

Troye does as well. "H-how do you know?"

"If he was going to hurt you, he would have tried something right there. And he wouldn't have just left you." Liam tells him.

"B-but," Troye starts, but pauses. "Do you guys t-think he is? My m-mate, I mean."

"I don't know. He seemed pretty hurt when you said no though." Luke speaks up, everyone nodding in agreement.

"When d-do you think he'll come b-back?"

Zayn sighs, "I'm not quite sure, but I think it takes a few days for the suppressant to wear off. Depends on when he took it. Could be tomorrow, could be next week."

Troye nods, and the alphas and betas leave, after giving us all smiles and telling us to call if we need anything.

"Hey Tro?" I ask, causing him to turn and face me.


"Was he the one in your room when you woke up?"

Troye nods, his curls bouncing a bit. "Yes. I guess if he is my mate that explains why he looked at me funny."

"Wait, the one in your room?" Ashton asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"They didn't tell you guys what happened?" I question, tilting my head a bit.

"They said a guy broke in and they chased him, but he was on suppressants so they couldn't smell him, but they didn't say the guy broke into Troye's room." Ashton explains.

"Oh." I say.

Troye explains. "I was taking a nap while you guys were out and when I woke up, he was standing at the end of my bed. I screamed and his alphas came in and he jumped out of the window. They tried following him but couldnt."

"Oh." Ashton echoes what I previously said.

It's around lunchtime the next day that Connor comes back, this time knocking on the door instead of coming through a window. As soon as the alphas smell him, they're in the living room where Troye, Ashton, and I are watching tv, followed by the betas. Troye lets out a whimper while Liam goes to open the door. When they enter the room, Troye moves behind Ashton and I, which makes Connor frown and stop walking.

After a minute of quiet, Louis looks at Troye and asks. "Is he your mate?"

There's a pause, with Troye just staring at Connor. Then he nods slowly. Connor lets out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes momentarily, before opening them and smiling at Troye. Troye doesn't return it, hiding more behind us.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Connor says, the frown back on his face. But Troye doesn't move.

"Connor," Louis says, nodding towards the kitchen when Connor looks at him. Surprisingly, Connor doesn't question it, just follows him. I glance at my Alphas, confused. Zayn catches my gaze and mouthes 'we'll explain later'.

"Hey, Troye?" Ashton asks, turning to look at the boy. Troye glances up, but doesn't say anything so Ashton continues. "Maybe you should try talking to him." Immediately Troye starts shaking his head, backing away from Ashton and closer to me.

"I think you should too." I say softly. "I'll go with you if you want."

Liam, Niall, and Zayn shake their heads, but I ignore them as Troye looks at me with wide eyes. "Really?" He asks. I nod, despite my Alphas noises of protest, so he continues. "What if he hurts you?"

"He won't, because he knows if he tries, they'll stop him. And they know his scent now." I say, my Alphas huffing when they realize I'm right.

Louis and Connor walk back out of the kitchen and Troye, after glancing at me briefly, says, "I'll go somewhere to talk with you, if Harry can come too."

Connor looks up, shocked when he realizes Troye's talking to him. Then he looks around the room at Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis. "Is it okay with you guys if Harry comes?" They all look unsure for a minute so Connor promises, "I won't hurt him, I'm not that stupid."

"Does Nick know you're here?" Liam asks. Connor shakes his head.

All of my Alphas look around at each other before Zayn sighs and nods his head. "You better not try anything." He warns. Connor nods and begins walking down the hallway, stopping to make sure we're following.

"Okay I really don't know where to go," He admits when we catch up. I laugh a little and walk past him, Troye by my side, and lead him to the room he found Troye in first.

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