Chapter Fourteen

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Liam throws himself back on the bed beside me, grinning up at me. I smile back, turning to face him and crossing my legs. "So what do you want to do?" I ask, tilting my head to the side slightly.

Liam shrugs, "Honestly I'm fine with just sitting here, you all to myself."

I flush, looking down and fiddling with a loose string on the sheets.

"You don't really know that much about us though, do you?" Liam asks.

"I know a bit about Zayn, but that's it." I answer.

"Zayn told the rest of us what he knows about you. If you want you can ask me any questions you want and I'll answer them."

I nod, thinking for a minute. My mind comes up blank though. "I can't even think of any questions I had for you guys," I laugh slightly. Liam laughs, too.

"If you want we can just cuddle until you think of any, I know you love cuddling."

"That sounds great actually." I smile. Liam scoots up on the bed so his head is resting on a pillow and opens his arms for me to climb it, which I do. I lay my head on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of it as he breathes. A question comes to mind.

"How did all four of you guys meet each other?"

One of Liam's hands come up to tangle in my hair while he begins speaking. "I actually met Zayn first. It was back when my dad was alpha and I was in training. Zayn was an Alpha though, had just became one a couple of months prior. I had went with my dad to the annual meetings with other alphas in the area when I saw him. We had wanted to combine our packs right then, but we couldn't until I turned alpha. Then a few months later we ran into Niall in an alley. His dad was the alpha and he was next in line, but a bunch of rogues ended up ambushing the pack and everyone was killed except for him. He got saved because his father made him run, even though he didn't want too. Zayn took him into his pack and they kind of co-alphaed it, which is nearly impossible to do actually. Then we met Louis when he was out with two of his friends, Michael and Calum, one night. His and Zayn's pack combined and they chose Zayn to be the Head Alpha of the pack until I became alpha and we could combine all three. It came quicker than we thought it would. My dad ended up having a heart attack a couple of months after we had all four found each other. They helped me through it and we combined our packs, and Zayn passed being the Head Alpha unto me, said that I was the best one to run it all."

"Woah," I say, eyes wide, speechless.

Liam laughs slightly, nodding. "It's a lot, I know."

"I'm sorry about your dad," I say softly, cuddling into his chest more.

He smiles, moving his hand from my hair to cup my cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles against the skin. "It's alright, love. It's been a while and I've gotten over not being able to talk about it."

I nod, just staring up at him. "Anymore questions?" He asks quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Kiss me?" I question, voice just as quiet. Liam nods slightly, leaning in and giving me a gentle peck, before leaning back in and connecting our lips again. Our lips move in sync softly, but get slightly frantic as the kiss goes on. Liam moves his hands to my hips and pulls me on top of him, my legs straddling his waist. Then he pulls away, shaking his head.

"Sorry, got a little carried away," He mumbles, running a hand down his face.

"It's okay. I didn't mind," I blurt out without thinking, immediately blushing crimson as Liam laughs slightly.

"Well that escalated quickly." Liam and I turn our heads to see Louis leaning against the door, smirking, and Niall and Zayn behind him, Niall laughing while Zayn's face remains blank. I blush again, burying my face in Liam's neck.

Liam rubs my back while he talks. "Why are you guys back in here? I know that wasn't an hour."

"We got lonely." Louis replies.

I lift my head up, furrowing my eyebrows at him. "There's three of you. How the hell did you get lonely?"

"You weren't there," Zayn says, shrugging.

"Stop that," I whine, burying my face in Liam's neck again, blushing. All four of them laugh, letting out 'aw's. Niall runs and jumps on us, causing Liam and I to let out groans of pain.

"Ouch, Ni." I pout at him, causing him to laugh and nose at my cheek. "Sorry love." He says. Louis walks over and lays beside us. We all turn to Zayn, seeing him in the doorway still. He smiles halfheartedly and says, "I'll join in a bit, I'm gonna go get something to eat." Then he walks out of view.

I stare at the spot, confused and slightly hurt. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Haz, you didn't do anything." All three say, looking as confused as me.

"I'll be right back," I tell them, moving from in between Niall and Liam and heading for the door.

Thank you guys for 10k reads (:
Okay so quick question, I'm gonna bring in Michael and Calum, but I'm debating on whether to leave it as Malum and Lashton, or make them an OT4. I kinda wanna do the OT4 but it's up to you guys
Vote and comment pls ((:
Twitter/Instagram: toplinson_haz
Tumblr: larrylashtonmalum

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