Chapter Twenty Nine

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I wake up the next morning to someone mouthing at my neck. Sleepily I glance down, catching sight of blond hair. 

"What are you doing?" I ask breathless, moaning when Niall bites down, quickly soothing the pain with his tongue. 

Niall pulls back to look at me. "The other boys had you. Now it's my turn." Niall pouts, leaning down and connecting our lips. 

From: Unknown
Meet me at the park at 10 pm. Alone. If you even think of telling them they're dead. If you don't show up they're dead.

I reread the message that sits on my lock screen for about the thousandth time, trying to figure out what I should do. Obviously I want to tell my mates, but I don't want Nick to hurt them. 

I sigh, getting off the bed and walking over to the door, opening it and yelling, "Ash! Can you come here for a minute, please?" 

Footsteps sound and then Ashton comes into view, heading my way. When he walks in, I shut the door behind him and grab his wrist, dragging him over to the bed. 

"What's up, Haz?" He asks, crossing his legs. 

Instead of answering, I grab my phone and show him the message. He reads it, his eyes going wide as he looks back at me. "Have you told them?" 

I shake my head. "That's what I was going to talk to you about. I don't know if I should." 

"Why shouldn't you?" 

"He said he'll hurt them." 

"A beta can't hurt four alphas." 

"But it isn't just a beta. He has who knows how many alphas working for him."

"I get why you're scared, Haz, but you need to tell them." Ashton says, leaning over and kissing my forehead before climbing off the bed and walking over to the door. Before he walks out, he turns to me and says, "I'll send them up." Then he walks out.

When the door opens a few minutes later, my Alphas stick their heads in, giving me a smile. "Ashton said you needed to talk to us, lovely?" Liam says softly, the four of them making their way inside, Niall shutting the door, and over to the bed.

I sigh, nodding towards my phone that I sat back on my dresser, looking down at the bedspread afterwards. One of the boys reach over to grab it, and then they all let out loud growls. "There's no way in hell you're going." Zayn grits out, his jaw clenching.

"But he said-"

"I don't care what he said, you're not going." Zayn shrugs, his eyes black.

"Zayn, lis-"

"No!" He roars, glaring at me.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Zayn. Stop. I'm going."

"Harry-" Liam tries.

I shake my head. "Look, Nick won't hurt me. Maybe I can talk to him and get him to stop."

"That is fucking insane, Harry Styles, and you know it. Nick is crazy, he isn't going to listen. Yeah you're right he won't hurt you, but he's probably going to try to kidnap you." Louis tells me, eyes blazing. "You are not going." 

"Guys." Niall says, shaking his head when they look at him. He turns to me. "Are you sure you want to go?" 


"Then we need to come up with a plan." 

At fifteen minutes till 10 pm I make my way towards the park, dressed in full black complete with the hood to my jacket over my head. I spot Nick, standing alone in front of the fountain so I walk over, keeping at least 30 feet of distance in between us.

"Well, well, well." Nick smirks. "Look who decided to actually show up."

I glare at him, crossing my arms. "What do you want, Nick?"

"Well, isn't that obvious, Harry? I want you back." Nick replies, his smirk never fading.

"You've never had me and you're never going to have me." I reply, flinching slightly when his expression darkens and he practically screams "You're mine. You've always been mine."

"No I'm not. I'm my mates'." I breath out, taking a step backwards when Nick moves forward. But Nick doesn't let that deter him, moving forward quicker. I'm not quick enough, he grabs me, yanking me against his body. "Let go of me," I yank against his arms, but his grip doesn't loosen.

"Come on, Harry. Stop lying to yourself. You know you'd rather have me then those controlling lunatics you call alphas." Nick whispers into my ear, his breath causing me to shiver in disgust, but I know he takes it as pleasure.

Says the controlling lunatic, I think in my mind, the words almost tumbling out, but I force myself to relax, to remember the plan, turning around in Nick's arms to face him. "You're right." I whisper. "They never want to let me do anything. They never trust that I know what I'm doing." The words are like vomit in my mouth.

"See, love?" The endearment makes me want to throw up. Only my Alphas can call me cute pet names. "I'm so much better for you." Nick leans in closer, eyes shutting. And then he has hands around his neck and he's being wrenched away from me. "Don't you ever touch my human again." Liam growls out, pausing when he sees all of our raised eyebrows. "What?" Then he sighs. "Fine, our human."

While Liam's momentarily distracted, Nick takes the opportunity to jerk out of his grasp and grab ahold of Troye, who's just came out of the shadows with Connor, Ashton, Michael, calum, and Luke. He yanks him out of reach when Connor tries to grab him back, pulling a knife out of his jacket pocket and holding it to Troye's throat. Nick looks at me, shaking his head. "You couldn't just come to me, could you? You just had to make it complicated. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but you've gave me no choice."

"No, Nick, don't do this. I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt anyone. Please." I beg, my eyes watering. "Please."

Nick seems to consider it for a minute. Then he says, "No." and slams the knife down, aiming for Troye's stomach, digging the knife in and yanking it out.

"Troye!" Connor and I scream, Connor jumping towards Nick. Nick lets go of Troye, letting him fall to the floor. Connor just barely manages to grab him. Niall grabs ahold of me, pulling me back against his chest.

"I'm going to murder you," Connor growls out, his now black eyes narrowed at Nick, who simply smirks.

"Connor," Louis says quietly. "Your mate needs to go to the hospital."

Connor immediately lifts Troye up carefully after he notices how pale he's gotten, his eyes seeming heavy. Even from here I can see his chest is barely moving. "Here." Liam throws me the keys. "Go with them."

I hesitate only for a second before I take off running to the car, Connor carrying Troye close behind me.

"Can you drive, please?" Connor asks. "I want to sit in the back with him."

"Of course." I answer, opening the driver side's door and getting it, cranking the car and driving off to the hospital once Connor and Troye are in.

We get there in record time, the drive normally taking half an hour but only took me 15 minutes. I stop the car at the door to let Connor out with Troye, then park the car while he's running in to get help. By the time I find a parking spot and get inside the hospital, they've already taken Troye back. Connor catches my eye and waves me over towards where he's sitting, so I walk over and take a seat next to him.

"They won't let me back there with him." He speaks, propping his elbows on his knees and placing his face in his hands.

I reach over and pull him into a hug. "He'll be okay. He has to be okay." 

I'll make up for the lack of smut in the next book, promise 
Twooo chapterrsss. Last update for today lmao
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