Chapter Six

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Once mine and Louis' hour is up, he stands up from the bed and carefully picks me up, heading down the stairs to the living room where Zayn sits on the couch. Zayn looks up and smiles when he sees us, "Hey loves."

"Hey," I grin at him. Louis sets me down on Zayn's lap, plopping down beside us.

"Supernatural? Really?" Louis groans, throwing his head back when he sees what Zayn is watching. Zayn rolls his eyes, "Deal with it, Lou."

"This show it so stupid," Louis complains.

I narrow my eyes at him. "It's not stupid, you're stupid."

Louis and Zayn turn to me in shock and for a moment I start to panic that I took it too far and now two of my Alphas are mad at me, but then Zayn bursts out laughing and Louis pouts.

"That was rude." Louis whines, jutting his bottom lip out at me.

I giggle, leaning over and kissing his cheek, making him smile at me. "Sorry, Lou." I lean back against Zayn, who kisses the top of my head.

Louis chuckles, "It's alright, lovely. I was just messing with you. I take it you like this show though?"

I nod. "It's my favorite show."

"Who's your favorite? On the show I mean." Zayn asks, fingers tracing random patterns on my hip.

"I love Castiel, but I love Dean too. And Sam. And Crowley," I bite my lip. "I'm not good at choosing, am I?"

"Nope," My Alphas chuckle. "But that's alright." I blush under the stares of the two, and turn back towards the tv.

About four episodes of Supernatural later, my other two Alphas get home, smiling at the sight of us three curled up together on the couch.

"Awe isn't this cute?" Liam says, grinning as him and Niall walk over to join our cuddle session until he sees what's on tv. "Oh god. Not this show again."

I pout. "Not you too. Louis hasn't stopped complaining since we started it. But he won't leave."

Louis holds a hand against his chest and mocks offense. "You want me to leave? Ouch, Harry darling, I'm wounded."

"Not yet you aren't. But give it about 5 more minutes of making fun of Sam's height and we'll see," I narrow my eyes at him jokingly and he grins.

"Fiestly, I like it."

"It's true though," Liam says shrugging. "Sam is unnaturally tall."

This time I narrow my eyes at him until a joke hits me. "I guess you could say it's.... Supernatural."

Louis and Liam groan while Zayn and Niall burst out laughing, Niall literally doubling over from laughing so hard. "That was so bad, Haz." Louis tells me, shaking his head and pretending to shudder.

I pout, turning towards Niall and Zayn. "Alright guys, calm down. It wasn't that funny." I say, though I'm happy I made my Alphas laugh.

Zayn calms down first. Then Niall does, turning to look at Liam and Louis. "It's official; me and Zayn are going to be he's favorites." Niall shrugs and walks around the couch, literally laying on top of me where I lay cuddled in between Zayn and Louis.

Liam and Louis raise their eyebrows and Liam says, "And why is that?"

Niall shrugs again, "Because we watch his favorite show with him without complaining and we actually laugh at his jokes instead of telling him they're bad."

Louis and Liam's eyes go wide and they quickly turn to me. "Harry you know we're just messing with you right?" Louis asks softly.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Yeah. Just like I was messing with you guys."

Both boys lets out sighs of relief. "Good," Liam says. "We'll stop complaining about this show too, if you want."

"Guys it's fine, seriously. You don't have to like everything I do and I don't want you guys to fake it either. It's fine if you don't. Some things I'm going to like that Louis likes and none of you do; some things that Liam does; some that Niall does; and some that Zayn does. It doesn't mean I'm gonna be closer to one of you guys than the rest."

Liam leans down and kisses my forehead. "You're literally perfect," He mumbles, making me blush. "Mind if I come join the cuddle too?"

"'Course not, Li." I say, him grinning at his nickname. Liam walks around (thankfully doesn't lay on me like someone *cough* Niall *cough*) and climbs in behind Louis, wrapping his arms around him. Niall stays on top of me. Louis and Zayn have their arms around me, and Zayn hits play.

A few minutes into the show it hits me what Niall said. "Hey," I lean up, whispering in his ear. I know the others can still hear but it felt rude to talk any louder.

"Yeah Haz?" Niall whispers back, turning to look at me.

"Do you like this show too?"

"Nope. Well not til I found out you did, now I love it." Niall grins.

I scoff, shaking my head. "Fake." I tease, a grin threatening to appear on my lips.

Niall grins at me. He jokes, "Why yes I am a fake blonde, how'd you know?"

I giggle, covering my mouth. My Alphas coo. "How are you so adorable?" Zayn says, a smile gracing his lips. I shrug, grinning and blushing slightly. We turn our attention back to the tv and continue watching, Liam and Louis both complaining every 5 minutes.

Awe they're so cute and happy. Too bad it won't last much longer :/
So I never know how to decide who to dedicate the chapters too so with this chapter I'll start choosin my favorite comment and dedicate the next chapter too.
Vote and comment pls? :)

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