Chapter Twenty Four

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"Well that wasn't mysterious at all," Michael jokes. Everyone but Troye, who's too busy staring after where Connor disappeared at, lets out a small laugh, all with the same bit of unease. Louis reaches around Niall to pick me up and sit me down on his lap, burying his head in my neck, taking a deep breath.

"What I'm not understanding is why an alpha would be scared of a beta." Niall says, tilting his head to the side much like a puppy, no pun intended.

Liam purses his lips, looking thoughtful for a minute, and then he turns around to face me. "What's Nick's last name?"

"Grimshaw," I answer. Automatically everyone's, excluding Ashton's, eyes go wide as saucers and their faces go pale, Michael and Troye gulping. Seeing my Alphas afraid has me scared and confused. Ashton looks to be in the same boat as me.

"Grimshaw?" Zayn repeats, sounding a bit like the winds been knocked out of him.

"Yeah..." I trail off, subconsciously leaning in closer to Louis. Louis wraps his arms tighter around me, kisses the top of my head.

"Crap." Luke groans, throwing his head back.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ashton groans, putting his elbows on his knees and leaning his head against his hands. Nobody answers.

"Liam?" I ask, turning my head to look at him.

"We'll explain later, lovely." Liam answers, leaning his head back against my knee. I sigh. 

The second the door closes behind the five of us, I turn to Liam, crossing my arms over my chest. "Alright, explain."

Liam sighs, but nods, grabbing my hand and leading me over to the bed. He sits down towards the middle and I sit down beside him, the other boys joining and sitting down around us, all of them placing their hands somewhere on me. "Long story short; Nick Grimshaw is a beta who is extremely feared due to his ability to manipulate people, alphas more specifically, into doing what he wants. Just like he's doing with Connor."

"What happens if the alpha refuses to do what he wants?" I question.

"He kills them." Zayn shrugs, trying to seem unaffected, but he's tensed up.

"How does a beta kill an alpha?"

"He gets one of the other alphas who work for him to do it." Liam says, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest when he senses me starting to panic.

"That's what he's trying to do to you guys, isn't it? Because of me." I whimper, burying my head in the crook of Liam's neck, breathing in his scent.

There's some shuffling and then Zayn speaks up, his voice suddenly right beside my ear. "Calm down, Harry. Please. Yes, that's what he's trying to do. But don't you dare blame yourself or feel bad about it. Harry, look at me." He commands softly. I sniffle, pulling back so I'm staring into his eyes. "I love you. It might seem too early to say it, but it's true. I love you and I would die for you. You don't have to say it back if you're not ready to, I understa-"

Cutting him off, I whisper, "I love you too." while staring into his eyes, watching them light up. Zayn breaks into a smile, leaning in to press a sweet kiss against my lips. He nudges me, making me fall back on Liam's lap, Zayn landing on top of me, both of us laughing, which causes us to break the kiss.

Liam, Niall, and Louis are watching us with smiles on their faces. "I love you guys too," I tell them, seeing their eyes light up as well. All of us exchange 'I love you's and sweet kisses. Then we all collapse on the bed, limbs tangling, hands gripping one another's, kisses being placed here and there.

"I still don't get why alphas would work for Nick." I say after a minute. "Couldn't they just kill him if he has something over them?"

"Honestly I'm not to sure how it all works. Somehow, though, Nick's gotten into their heads, made them think they have to listen to him." Niall says.

"Even Connor?" I ask nervously.

All four shake their heads. "No. Connor doesn't think he has to listen to Nick, just because. He's only listening to him because the alphas that think they have to listen to Nick will kill him if he doesn't." Louis explains.

"Don't think about it tonight, Haz, just try and rest." Liam tells me softly. "We're going to protect you."

"But who's going to protect you?" I ask quietly.

"We're going to be okay. All of us." Zayn answers, leaning his head against mine. "Now sleep, love."

I go to protest, but each of them kiss me quickly and cuddle closer, Louis turning off the light. I sigh, but close my eyes, drifting off into a sleep filled with nightmares.

I am so sorry I didn't update last week. This chapters kind of, eh. Idk if it's too early for them to say 'I love you' but I like it

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