Chapter Twenty One

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Waking up the next morning, it's a pile of limbs and heat. I groan, trying to untangle myself from the bunch, but failing miserably.

"Stop moving," Louis moans, pressing his head farther into my neck.

"It's too early guys." Zayn groans from behind Louis.

"Let me up," I whine, but Louis only pulls me closer, wrapping a leg around both of mine.

"Stay," He tells me, causing me to sigh, but fall back against the pillow. A few minutes later, Zayn and Louis are back asleep, but I can't. Very carefully, I unwrap his arms from around me and sit up, him whining and turning around to Zayn, then ease out of the bed, grinning in triumph when my feet touch the ground and they're all still asleep.

I creep out of the room and head down the hall, where I see Michael and Ashton in the living room, cuddled together on the love seat.

"Morning, sunshine." Ashton greet, grinning at me.

"Morning," I answer, plopping down on the couch across from them. Michael waves at me, yawning afterwards.

"Where's your alphas? And Troye?" Ashton asks.

"Still asleep."


"You guys wanna watch Supernatural?" Michael asks after a moment of silence.

"Sure." Ashton and I agree.

"You left me," Louis whines, as he makes his way into the room.

"Oops." I shrug.

He pouts at me, walking over and plopping down on top of me. He looks over at the TV and groans. "Not again."

In response, I move my hands to his sides and very gently, shove him off the couch. "Ouch," He rubs his head. "What the hell was that for?"

"What was what for?" Liam asks, as he walks in.

"Harry shoved me off the couch." Louis tells him. Liam looks over at me with his eyebrows raised, and then shrugs, turning back to louis. "You probably deserved it." Liam says.

Louis gasps dramatically. "You're all against me."

"Shh, Dean is speaking." Ashton says, eyes never moving from the TV.

Before long, all of my mates and Ashton's mates, along with Troye, are in the living room, awake.

"We should go to the park or something today." Niall speaks up.

"Sorry, bud, but I'm stealing you guys' mate today. Or at least for a little while today." Ashton tells him, shrugging his shoulders unapologetically. He stands up, gesturing for Troye and I to follow him, and walks out of the room. Troye and I look at each other for a second, before shrugging and following after him, however Zayn pulls me into a kiss before we leave the room. We walk back into their bedroom, like last night, and sit on the bed.

"Michael is an amazing kisser." Ashton blurts out, leaning back on the bed as a happy sigh falls from his lips.

"Nice to know." I laugh.

"I haven't kissed Calum yet though. " Ashton frowns. "Have you kissed them all yet?" When I nod, he asks. "Had sex yet?"

"No," I answer, blushing when I remember grinding on Liam.

"He's blushing." Troye says, grinning.

Ashton smirks, "You want to sleep with them, huh?"

Instead of answering, I look down at the duvet, fiddling with a loose string.

Ashton and Troye laugh at my lack of answer. "Who was the last one you kissed?" Ashton asks.


"Then I think he should be the first one you sleep with." Ashton nods.

"I think you should sleep with Liam first, because it seems like he's the most possessive." Troye tells me.

"I don't know why, but I think you should sleep with Louis first." An unfamiliar voice rings out through the room, causing all of us to stiffen and turn towards the window, where the voice came from. A guy stands there, dark hair quiffed up and trimmed on the sides, watching all of us, a small grin on his face.

"Guys!" Ashton immediately yells, followed by footsteps running down the hall. The guy simply raises his eyebrows.

"What's wrong, love?" Luke asks, before he sees the guy standing in the room. Immediately he growls, his eyes turning black, more footsteps following the noise, meaning my mates are coming. Luke, along with Calum and michael, stands in front of us, blocking us from the guy.

"Who the hell are you?" Calum barks out, right as my Alphas enter the room. Just like Luke did, they all growl and their eyes turn black as they stare at the guy who doesn't seem phased in the slightest to have 5 alphas growling at him. Also like Luke did, they come and stand in front of us.

"You guys done yet?" The guy asks after a minute.

"Who are you?" Niall grits out, clenching his hands into fists.

"Relax, I'm not here for your mate. I'm here for mine. My names Connor." The boy says.

"Who's your mate?" Zayn asks, still staying in front of us.

Connor's eyes drift past the blockade of alphas, and instead land on one of us. Troye. Troye's eyes widen when he notices, letting out a whimper and gripping the back of my shirt. Liam glances back at Troye and then turns to Connor. "Why can't we smell you?"

"Scent blocker," Connor shrugs, his eyes flickering back to the alphas. "Nick insisted."

"So you do work for Nick," Louis growls.

"Didn't really have much of a choice." Connor says. "Now can I please see my mate?"

All of the alphas look at each other, unsure. Finally Liam says, "If he wants to see you, then yeah."

Troye immediately starts shaking his head, his grip on my shirt tightening. "Please no," He whimpers. Connor looks hurt, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Love," Connor starts, taking a small step forward, but Troye whimpers again.

"D-don't," Troye stutters out. "H-how am I s-supposed to know your my m-mate if I can't smell you."

Connor frowns. "I didn't think about that. I can come back when the scent suppressant wears off, if your alpha friends promise not to come after me."

"If you're really his mate, we won't. Unless you try to hurt Harry or any of them," Liam tells him, nodding towards Ashton, Michael, and Calum.

Connor nods, reaching out a hand, which Liam shakes. Then Connor's out the window as silently as he came in.

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