Chapter Thirty

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Connor and I have been sitting in these uncomfortable hospital chairs for over 2 hours now. There's been no words from the doctor, they told Connor they'd tell him when they have news, or from my Alphas, despite me checking my phone every other minute. 

"I'm going to go get some water, you need anything?" Connor asks, standing up from the chair. I shake my head, giving him a weak smile which he returns, before turning and walking away to find water. 

It's in the next moment my heart stops. 

Liam rushes in, Louis lying limp in his arms, shouting at nurses and doctors, Niall and Zayn following. Everyone rushes around, getting Louis on a gurney and pushed through the double doors, security stopping Liam, Niall, and Zayn from following much like Connor said they did to him. 

"Guys!" I yell out, jumping up and running over to them. All of their eyes widen and they turn towards me, wrapping their arms around me in a big group hug and burying their faces against me, Niall and Liam on each side of my neck, Zayn in my curls. I feel tears begin to pool in my collarbones. "What happened?" I manage to ask, feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Louis tackled Nick after Nick riled him up, saying horrible things about you, and before any of us could get over to him, he stabbed Louis twice in the chest. Liam broke his neck. Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke are taking care of his body." Zayn stumbles over his words, sobs racking all of their bodies. 

"Oh my god." I gasp, tears falling from my eyes. 

We stay just like that until Connor comes back, noticing all of us, asking why we're crying. Liam manages to explain the story to him and Connor helps walk us over to the chairs, where we all collapse, huddling together. Connor reaches over and pats Liam on the shoulder, giving a sad smile. "I'm sorry about him getting hurt, but thanks for killing Nick." 

Liam gives a watery chuckle. "Trust me, it was my pleasure." 

It's another half hour before a nurse comes out, calling for the people for Troye. Connor stands up and I shakily try to follow, but he puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs. "It's okay, Harry. I'll tell you what they say." He gives me a smile and walks over to the nurse. I watch as she explains something to him and he nods, then walks back over. "She said he's okay. They had to give him stitches though. She said he's awake right now and that we can go back there if we want, but I'm sure you want to stay here, right?" 

I open my mouth, not knowing how to answer. I want to go see Troye, but I also want to make sure Louis' okay. Connor seems to understand, giving me another smile. "It's fine, Haz. I understand. Stay out here and find out Louis' okay, go see him, and then you can come see Troye. I'll tell him you're here and explain what happened. We all understand." He reaches up and ruffles my curls, before walking back over to the nurse, then following her out of the room. 

"People for Louis Tomlinson?" The same nurse who took Connor to Troye comes back out who knows how much later and asks. Immediately all four of us step up and walk over to her. "Alright so, we just finished surgery on him-" 

"Is he going to be okay?" Zayn cuts her off. 

"She's getting to that, Z." Niall says shakily breathing a laugh. 

The nurse gives Zayn a smile. "He's going to be perfectly fine, just sore for a little while, maybe a week or so." All of us let out a sigh of relief as she continues. "He's extremely lucky though. The first stab one, yes that one was far enough away, but the second one... Well basically if it would have been another inch over, he'd be dead. He's asleep right now, but I can take you guys back there if you want, so the first thing he sees will be you guys. Usually only one person would be allowed at a time, but since you're all mates, you all can go." 

All four of us nod our heads, following her through the doors, down a couple halls, to a room. She opens the door and gestures for us to go in, giving us a smile as we pass, shutting it behind us. 

My breath catches in my throat seeing Louis, tubes hooked up to him, a machine beside him letting out steady beeps. A cover is placed over him, coming up to about his belly button. He has a hospital gown on, you can see the edge of some gauze due to the neckline, a little blood seeped through. His skin is pale. 

"He's going to be okay." Liam reminds us, although his voice shakes. 

Louis doesn't wake up until about noon the next day. All four of us have been gathered around his bed, the nurse brought in two more chairs for us since there was only two in the room, and we put two on each side of the bed, Niall and I on one side, Zayn and Liam on the other. He groans before he even opens his eyes, though when he does he has to blink them due to the harsh light of the hospital room. 

"Hey, love, how are you feeling?" Zayn asks, reaching out and placing his hand on Louis' lower stomach. 

"Like I got stabbed." Louis jokes weakly, his voice croaky. I stand up and walk over to where the nurse left the thing of water, grabbing a cup and pouring some in it, then walk back over to Louis and give it to him. He gives me a smile in thanks, taking a sip. Then he downs the whole thing, clearing his throat afterward. "Wow my throat was dry." 

Louis reaches up and grabs ahold of my wrist, jerking me on the bed, causing me to almost fall on him, barely managing to catch myself, hands sprawled out on each side of him. "Woah! Be careful, Lou! I could have hurt you." I scold, trying to pull back, but he doesn't let me move, lifting his hand to the back of my neck and pushing me down so his nose is pressed against my neck. I sigh, rolling my eyes fondly, adjusting my hands on the bed so I'm not putting any weight on him. Niall, Liam, and Zayn all smile at us, sitting on the end of the bed. 

"You can touch me, you know." Louis says, voice slightly muffled by my neck, after noticing how I'm being extremely careful. 

"I don't want to risk hurting you," I shrug. 

He pulls back and rolls his eyes with a smile. "Just cuddle me, curly." 

I move so I'm lying next to him on my side, facing him, my elbow propped up with my head on my hand, and Niall comes around and does the same thing on the other side, while Zayn sits in the chair on my side and Liam sits on the one of Niall's side and lays their heads against us, each of them having a hand on Louis' lower stomach. 

One chaptteeerrr. Actually it's really not so much a chapter as it is just kind of like setting up for the next book, so ill probably publish it in about an hour
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