What Gives You The Right

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I arrived at the school the entire front was empty, I was so late. I raced through the hallways to class, I was halfway there when...
"Hello Mr. Winston." A thick Irish voice says behind me, oh great what does the giant leprechaun want. I turn around to find Mr. McLaughlin leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed.
"Mr. McLaughlin how very nice to see you." I said.
"Cut the crap Winston why are you late." I was quite surprised at his assertiveness.
"Ya about that see I slept in and I-" I cut off.
"Oh please what's the real reason?" He asks and I am thoroughly confused.
"That is the real reason." I said.
"Shut up Winston I know all about how you were always late at your old school because you're out causing trouble somewhere or just blowing school off all together you expect me to believe that you were just "sleeping in"" he says putting air quotes around sleeping in.
"But sir I was-"
"Shut it!" He exclaims.
"Mr. McLaughlin if you would just listen."
"Why should I listen to a punk kid like you your nothing but a trouble maker and a punk ass little shit and-" he cut off
"Hey!" A voice came from behind us. I turn around to find a small brunette girl running our way, Mykie! What is she doing.
"Hey what's going on?" She asks.
"This doesn't concern you so just go back to class Mrs. Anderson." He says waving her off.
"Concerning me or not I don't think I've ever seen anywhere in the rules that teachers and staff get the right to call students a punk ass little shit." She says crossing her arms.
"Hey what gives you the right to speak to me like that!?" He exclaims.
"What gives you the right to speak to him like that?" She gestures towards me.
"Listen here young lady you better get some respect real quick or-"
"Or what you'll expel me? Well you better learn some respect or else I might just spill about what happened here to the school board and you could lose your job." She fires back.
"You wouldn't dare." He scowls.
"Try me." She spits. Mr. McLaughlin glances at me then back to Mykie.
"This isn't over." He then turns and walks away.
"No I think it is!" Mykie yells towards him. She then turns to look at me.
"Hey you ok?" She asks.
"Ya um thanks." I said.
"Don't worry about, hey I don't care how big of a jackass you've been no one deserves to be talked to like that, also I just really hate that guy." She explains and I laugh.
"Thank you but um why weren't you in class?" I ask.
"Oh um ya I just got back from the bathroom and I saw him yelling at you but why was he yelling at you?" She asks.
"Oh well I slept in and he didn't believe me so he got all in my face." I explained.
"Oh well that's stupid." I nod in agreement. "Well we should head to class." She said.
"Ya we should."
And we headed to class.

It was lunch now and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning. Why would she do that? I thought she hated me? Does she not hate me anymore? This was all that was running through my head all day.
"Your out of it again." Mason said.
"Huh oh sorry." I said.
"Ok what happened this time?" He asked then I went on to explain the situation from this morning and Mason's face went from completely normal to utterly amused.
"Wait seriously?" He asked.
"Yup." I answered.
"Oh my god that's awesome." He exclaimed.
"What's awesome?" A voice asked from behind me.
"Oh Mykie uh nothing." I said flustered.
"Uh ok, so how are you you okay?" She asked.
"Ya why wouldn't I be?" I asked.
"Well I don't know you just seemed really shaken up after this morning so." She said.
"Oh no I'm fine, never better." I exclaim.
"Ok that's good hey also I'm sorry about the other day for getting so mad about you eavesdropping I mean you shouldn't have done it but I over reacted, sorry." She apologizes.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes also I remember that we were partners on the project." She said I laugh.
"Ok ya that makes more sense." I said.
"I really am sorry though." She said with a sad smile.
"Ya me too." I apologize.
"Well um do you want to work on the project some more today?" She asks.
"It's ok if you don't want to." She says.
"Oh no it's not that it's just-" it's just that I really like you and this is going to be way different from last time.
"Great meet you after school." She says and walks off.
"Wait what?" I turn back to mason who has the biggest Cheshire Cat grin ever.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing." And he just continues eating. Great I'm dead I'm so dead she's gonna know I like her and I'm going to die great just great.

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