He Won't!

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"Shh, it's ok." I cued. "What happened?" I asked but I could feel her shaking her head into my chest. "Mykie please I need to know so I can help you." She quickly looked up and I noticed something that I didn't before, she had a fresh bruise forming on her cheek bone.
"What the hell! Mykie how did this happen?" I asked concerned, she shook her head. I took her face I my hands but staying clear of her bruise.
"Mykie please tell me what happened." I pleaded.
"No I can't." She said.
"Why not?"
"Because he'll get in trouble."
"Who, who will get in trouble. Damnit Mykie tell me!" I started to feel tears pool into my eyes, God I'm such a sissy.
"My dad." She said meekly.
"Your dad what does your- wait! Did your dad do this?!" I exclaimed. She nodded. "What!" I let go of her and stood up. "I swear when I get my hands on-"
"No Daniel it's not what you think." She said standing up.
"Oh so he didn't hit you!" I exclaimed, I need to punch something, I mean that's not Mykie.
"No, I mean yes but not in the way your thinking." She tried to calm me down it didn't work.
"What other possible way could it be!" I getting real mad now.
"Daniel just calm down! Let me explain." She held up her hands to calm me down, I shut up this time.
"Ok." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ok so basically like usual when I got home last night my parents were fighting like normal so I just decided to go bed, but when I woke up this morning they were still fighting and my dad was getting really mad, like really mad."

"So anyway he began to throw and break things and I ran up to him and grabbed his arm to try and calm him down, but it backfired and he pulled me off hitting me accident in the process, hard enough to leave a mark apparently."

"So you see it really was my fault." She finished with that.
"No it's not Mykie don't say that, he hit you no matter how mad he got he has no right to do that." I said.
"It's not like he does it often it was the first time he did it." She's defending him, seriously.
"Ya but who says he won't do it again." I said angrily.
"He won't." She said.
"How do you know that!" I exclaimed.
"He just won't!" Mykie ran off leaving me there with my fist clenched.
Why won't she let me help her.

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