I Don't Like Him

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Mykie's Pov.

I called Caleb to come give me a ride home and being the good best friend he his he asked if anything was wrong I said no, that was a huge lie.
Once I got home I was greeted by the usual screaming and throwing of random objects. I went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed.
"What just happened?" I mumbled to myself. No more importantly what wrong with me why did I let that happen. I almost kissed the biggest douche bag I've ever met, why though, that's the question, why. I couldn't possibly like him could I, no that's stupid, why would I like him. 
I mean he's kinda cool and funny, no I don't like him, I won't like him, I can't like him.


Mr. Willoughby gave me a ride to school the next day as promised, and the last person I wanted to see when I got their was Daniel but of course the first person I see, can you guess. Congratulations it's Daniel freaking jackass.
"Hey Mykie!" He calls out as he ran through the halls.
"Oh hey." I say awkwardly.
"Hey Mykie I just want to say sorry about yesterday I didn't me-" I held up a hand to cut him off.
"Don't say it lets just drop it and never think about it again." The only problem I don't want to stop thinking about it, wait what am I saying.
"Oh ya sure." He nods and we head into class.
Class went by pretty slow, and I couldn't keep still for the life of me I swear all I could do was think about yesterday. Ugh why can't I get it out of my head, damn you Daniel.


It was lunch now and as usual me and Caleb sat together but something strange happened, Daniel didn't come over to our table no he stayed with Mason, why, why do I care.
"Hey you okay?" Caleb asked snapping me out of my trance.
"What? Oh ya never better." I lied.
"You sure because you look really upset and you keep glancing at Daniel." There you go again Caleb reading me like a book, I swear he could be a psychic.
"Do I? Really, I didn't notice." I said awkwardly.
"Ok tell me what happened." I sighed in both defeat and relief.
"Ok well.." I began to tell him about yesterday and Caleb's eyes were locked on me the entire time and once I finished his intense stare turned into a giddy smile.
"Wait really?"
"Yep." I said.
"Oh my God!" He squealed, incoming school girl Caleb.
"Dude calm down its not that big of a deal." I said annoyed.
"Yes it is he almost kissed you!" He exclaimed.
"Dude calm, I swear you have a bigger crush on him than I do- oh that's not what i meant, I mean." My face went bright red. Caleb crossed his arms in victorious pleasure.
"Knew it." He said simply. "You do like him."
"What no I was just making a joke." I denied his prediction.
"Uh huh sure." He said as he took a bite of his burger.
I don't like Daniel there's no way I refuse, I will not, but then again it's so hard not to.

As I walked to my next class I saw Daniel being stopped by the same girl who talked to him about the dance.
'Why does she keep bothering him?' I thought. I began to walk past them slowly so I could here what they were saying.
"So have you thought about it?" She asked.
"Ya and I don't think I'm going to do it." He says.
"Why not?" She wined.
"It's just not my thing." He said.
"Oh ok, but I have one more question." She said. Ugh what could she want now.
"Shoot." He said.
"Will you go on a date with me?" This made me stop in my tracks. "I mean we're in the same math class and, I thought you were really cute and you seem really cool so I was wondering." She finished.
"Um," I didn't want to hear this, I didn't want to hear him say yes, so I began to walk again and make my way to class.

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